
1.32.2 2024-03-15

  • [Bug]: All the curve pools in ethereum should be queried again.

  • [Bug] #7532: Curve LP token price calculation should now be correct.

  • [Bug]: If saving a setting fails, error messages will no longer disappear automatically.

  • [Bug]: Fix issue where long label in manual balances breaks the alignment of chain names.

  • [Bug]: Sending money to SEPA or bridging with the BurnFrom monerium signature will now be properly decoded by rotki.

  • [Bug] #7611: USDT balances and trades in should now work properly.

  • [Bug] #7572: Fix issue where coinbase data query could result in an error popup.

  • [Bug]: rotki will display NFT prices correctly across all asset types.

  • [Bug] #7531: rotki will now prioritize manual prices above other price oracles and calculations.

1.32.1 2024-02-23

  • [Bug]: Invalid data in airdrops’ CSVs or JSONs will now get ignored to show the rest of the valid data.

  • [Bug]: ETH withdrawal events should now be taxable again if the setting for their treatment after withdrawals enabled is on (which is by default).

  • [Bug]: Removing an address from one of the EVM chains won’t affect the decoded events in other chains anymore.

  • [Bug] #7522: Invalid ENS names shouldn’t stop the decoding process anymore.

  • [Bug] #7497: In ETH staking view execution rewards should now be counted properly. MEV reward and block reward should not both be counted if recipient is not tracked.

  • [Bug] #7488: Show tags in multi-lines when multiple to avoid horizontal scroll.

  • [Bug]: Binance lending positions and rewards will get properly decoded and displayed again.

  • [Bug]: Fix the issue where an incorrect amount of ETH is displayed in the Loopring account table.

  • [Bug]: rotki will now automatically update the local airdrops’ CSVs when needed, without manually deleting them.

1.32.0 2024-02-16

  • [Feature]: Transactions burning vested vCOW to claim COW tokens will now be properly decoded for both gnosis chain and ethereum mainnet.

  • [Feature] #7399: Transactions involving the Savings xDAI contract at gnosis will now be properly decoded.

  • [Feature] #1574: Interactions with the contract are now decoded.

  • [Feature]: Transactions that have interacted with the WXDAI contract are now properly decoded.

  • [Feature] #4841: The rotki data directory is now more organized.

  • [Feature]: Arbitrum’s governance votes should now be decoded properly.

  • [Feature] #7051: Users will be able to add a custom price directly from the asset overview page.

  • [Feature]: Bridging transactions across all EVM chains done via socket will now be decoded properly.

  • [Feature] #7092: Users of metamask swaps will now see them properly decoded in the history view and have them taken into account during accounting.

  • [Feature] #6254: Users can now stop the execution of long-running queries.

  • [Feature] #7146: The exported CSV for PnL Report now contains an Asset column with symbols.

  • [Feature] #7176: The exported CSV for PnL Report now contains a label of the address in notes, if available.

  • [Feature] #7027: Monerium transactions are now decoded as mints and burns. If the user provides monerium credentials then a periodic task pulls data from the monerium API and the transactions are enriched with actual banking data and/or with bridging data from chain to chain.

  • [Feature] #7214: Swaps done through Paraswap Augustus on Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, and Base chains, will now get properly decoded in the history view and will be taken into account during accounting.

  • [Feature]: Notes for governance votes will include the reasoning if it was provided in the transaction when voting on-chain.

  • [Feature]: Aerodrome transactions in BASE will now be properly supported.

  • [Feature]: Tokens deposited in EigenLayer will now be tracked.

  • [Feature]: rotki is now available in French.

  • [Feature] #7018: rotki will now save the labels for a blockchain account in the address book. If a name is already present in the address book for that blockchain account, Name Priority setting in ‘Frontend-only Settings’ section is used to determine which one to keep. Addressbook is prioritized by default.

  • [Feature] #6460: rotki will now properly import the trades from the CSVs that are exported from Kucoin.

  • [Feature]: Octant epoch reward claiming transactions are now properly decoded.

  • [Feature]: Transactions contributing to Juicebox campaigns, such as the Free Alexey and Roman from Tornado, are now properly decoded.

  • [Feature] #7357: rotki will now properly detect and decode Shutter token airdrop and delegation.

  • [Feature] #7383: rotki will now update airdrops’ data remotely without needing to update the app.

  • [Bug]: Querying coinbase data should no longer show 404 error if the user has too many accounts and tries to query trades or deposits/withdrawals.

  • [Bug]: Fix an issue where kraken instant swaps could have an invalid type for fee events.

  • [Bug]: It should no longer be possible to merge the same asset to itself, thus botching the asset in your database.

  • [Bug]: Incorrectly processed kraken events should no longer occur.

  • [Bug]: Whether an airdrop has been claimed or not will be properly detected again for the supported airdrops.

  • [Bug] #7147: rotki should no longer query price multiple times for the same asset across different chains.

  • [Bug] #7276: Fix the issue where Uniswap v3 positions are counted twice for the net worth.

  • [Bug] #7435: Fix the issue where, in rare cases, users receive a JavaScript error popup when minimizing the window.

1.31.3 2024-01-31

  • [Bug]: Removing exchanges will also remove them from the setting of non syncing exchanges.

  • [Bug]: The defillama oracle should now work correctly with tokens in arbitrum and binance.

  • [Bug]: Some coinbase trades imported via the API should no longer show negative amounts. If you see negative amounts, purge and repull coinbase data.

  • [Bug]: Failure to resolve etherscan api or hitting maximum backoff after too many retries will now no longer raise an exception.

  • [Bug]: USDT will be processed correctly when importing events from nexo.

  • [Bug] #7526: Liquity trove LUSD borrowing fee and stability pool LQTY frontend fee will now be properly shown and processed by rotki.

  • [Bug]: All Gnosis bridge dai events from ethereum to gnosis chain should now be decoded properly.

  • [Bug]: Importing sell trades via rotki generic trades CSV import will now work properly again.

  • [Bug]: Premium sync failure will now appear in the toolbar indicator instead of showing a notification.

  • [Bug] #7362: Filtering by customized events in the free version should work fine again.

  • [Bug] #7359: NFTs should be queried and displayed properly again.

  • [Bug]: The history events section will have correct pagination for free users, with all the events showing correct sub-events.

1.31.2 2023-12-22

  • [Bug]: rotki should no longer try mainnet uniswap onchain price queries for other evm tokens and errors should be handled better

  • [Bug] #7057: Fix the issue where the app restarts when the file upload button is clicked.

  • [Bug] #7059: Fix the issue where adding an account via MetaMask is not working.

  • [Bug]: Withdrawal events for ethereum staking will now respect accounting rules.

  • [Bug]: Now users will be able to see the most recent assets without restarting the app when filtering by owned assets in the assets view.

  • [Bug]: Fix the issue where user profiles on the login screen are empty after logging out.

  • [Bug] #7075: Coinbase api should now be usable again. Additionally history retrieval speed has improved by orders of magnitude.

  • [Bug] #1863: Bitstamp deposit/withdrawals should now also show the address and transaction id.

  • [Bug]: Bitmex history queries should now work properly again after Bitmex changed their API without versioning.

  • [Bug] #7119: Removed bittrex as an exchanged added via api key since it has shut down. But users can now import bittrex CSVs in order to get their history into rotki.

  • [Bug] #7115: Fix the issue with decimal point for amount input.

  • [Bug] #7120: Fix the issue where after removing an exchange key, an error notification is shown.

  • [Bug] #7071: Fix the issue where users on mobile devices need to scroll to login.

  • [Bug] #7082: Now disabling sync for an exchange instance won’t prevent other instances in the same exchange from querying new trades.

  • [Bug] #7123: Adding an EVM EOA address that has only withdrawals/blocks activity will no longer fail.

  • [Bug]: Importing timestamp in CSV in scientific format should now work without errors.

1.31.1 2023-12-06

  • [Feature] #6885: Users can now specify EVM chains for which no activity will be auto-detected by rotki.

  • [Feature] #7024: When a Uniswap-V2 or Sushiswap deposit gets decoded it will update the default symbol of the LP token to include information about the underlying tokens.

  • [Feature] #7015: Users will be able to sort the blockchain accounts by displayed name.

  • [Bug]: Showing a page with a history event with a non-recognized type/subtype combination will no longer stop the page from loading due to an error.

  • [Bug]: Creating, editing and deleting accounting rules will now update warnings when rendered events get affected in the history view.

  • [Bug]: Swaps using 1inch where the Uniswap V3 decoder processed part of the transaction will be correctly decoded now.

  • [Bug]: The welcome message at first login after a version upgrade will now have the correct link to the release notes.

  • [Bug] #6998: If a username contains a ‘.’ the user will now be able to log in properly again.

  • [Bug] #7009: PnL reports with an old type of event (such as DailyStats) following a swap will no longer fail with an exception.

  • [Bug]: Fix the issue where the app freezes for a few seconds on logout.

  • [Bug]: Fix issue where the reports page cannot be loaded if there is old report from older version.

  • [Bug]: Fix styling issue with the lock icon for “Add collateralization ratio watcher” for non-premium user.

  • [Bug] #6999: Chai token balances should not appear doubled under certain conditions.

  • [Bug] #7017: Fix the issue where clicking on the chain in the blockchain balance summary didn’t show the correct section.

  • [Bug]: Users will be able to see the address of the asset instead of the redundant asset name in the “Managed Assets” view and in the “Newly Detected Tokens” view.

  • [Bug] #7039: The edge case of a failed eth_call during initialization of decoders will no longer crash the user login task.

  • [Bug] #7012: Fix issue where the title for the statistics card are missing.

  • [Bug]: Fix the bug that causes the error screen to appear strangely in dark mode.

1.31.0 2023-11-24

  • [Feature]: Transactions bridging from/to Base using the official bridge will be now decoded.

  • [Feature] #2000: Users will now have the ability to filter between claimed and unclaimed airdrops.

  • [Feature]: Properly decode optimism bridge 2 step withdrawal proving transactions

  • [Feature] #6275: Transaction events from bitstamp CSV can now be imported

  • [Feature]: ENS and DIVA governance voting related transactions will now be properly decoded and shown to the user.

  • [Feature] #1591: Gnosis chain support has been added. Balances will be shown, transactions pulled and decoded and taken into account in the PnL report.

  • [Feature]: Base support has been added. Balances will be shown, transactions pulled and decoded and taken into account in the PnL report.

  • [Feature] #6621: Transactions involving the SDAI contract will now be properly decoded.

  • [Feature] #6582: Users will be able to see skipped external events on the history events page, export them to CSV, and reprocess those events.

  • [Feature] #630: Users will be able to export history events to CSV.

  • [Feature] #5843: Velodrome is now supported in Optimism. Related transactions should be decoded properly and shown in human readable format and any balances in Velodrome auto-detected.

  • [Feature] #6712: The Graph protocol support has been added. The events related to delegator staking now will be properly displayed and accounted for.

  • [Feature]: Binance CSV importing will now recognize more entry types.

  • [Feature] #6733: Added support for detection of GRT tokens delegated to indexers in The Graph protocol (amounts including rewards).

  • [Feature]: Octant GLM locking/unlocking events will now be properly detected and shown to the user.

  • [Feature]: Users will be able to customize the accounting rule for historical events.

  • [Feature]: Users will be able to modifying (add/edit/delete) all history events types.

  • [Feature] #6688: Add support for Woo Centralized Exchange

  • [Feature]: Golem’s GNT->GLM migration events will now be properly detected.

  • [Feature]: Users can now see if any of their addresses have vCOW available to claim from the CoW Protocol airdrop.

  • [Feature]: Migrating MATIC to POL in ethereum mainnet is now properly decoded.

  • [Feature]: Users will be able to create custom rules for accounting.

  • [Feature] #6439: Users can filter historical events to display only customized events.

  • [Feature]: Compound v3 reward claims should now be shown properly

  • [Feature]: Attestation events for the Ethereum Attestation service in Mainnet, Optimism, Arbitrum One and Base will be properly shown to the user.

  • [Feature]: Oneinch v3 swaps should be supported in Ethereum mainnet.

  • [Bug]: Fix issue with editing ledger entries whose rate is not set.

  • [Bug]: Fix issue for some users where the datepicker field is not automatically filled with current datetime

  • [Bug]: Users will be able to import custom assets from the assets backup file.

  • [Bug] #6169: Handle some kraken event categories better and show them in the UI. Categories like failed withdrawals, moving funds from/to staking and credits of forked assets or delisted asset trades.

  • [Bug] #6717: Fixes an issue causing the graph for some multichain assets to not be displayed correctly.

  • [Bug]: Aave v2 accounting for deposit interest profit and borrow payback loss should now work correctly again.

  • [Bug] #6667: Wrong ENS name should no longer be reported for some edge case of ENS actions and the name should also appear in more events than before.

  • [Bug] #6647: When PnL report generation is finished, users will not be redirected to the report page, but will get notified instead.

  • [Bug]: History event header will now be visible only on mobile.

  • [Bug]: Fix the issue where pinned PnL report errors (missing acquisitions and missing prices) become empty when the user moves to another page.

  • [Bug]: Replaces with as the default explorer for Avalanche C-Chain

  • [Bug] #6548: Users will no longer be blocked by a persistent modal dialog while premium sync is uploading.

  • [Bug] #6871: Ethereum staking withdrawals querying should now work fine again.

  • [Bug]: Fix the issue where users sometimes encounter timeout errors when importing assets from a zip archive.

  • [Bug]: There will be no duplicated balances in cases where the native token balance is zero.

  • [Bug]: Uniswap Swaps with the Universal router would be decoded correctly.

1.30.2 2023-09-21

  • [Feature]: Improved support for importing Binance CSV files.

  • [Bug] #6550: Custom imported rotki events will now be taken properly into account in PnL and shown as recognized in history events view.

  • [Bug]: rotki will now prevent users from merging EVM tokens.

  • [Bug]: Pointed to the new yearn finance API domain.

  • [Bug] #6587: All Kraken special & staking assets, like staking assets bonded for a specific time will now be handled properly.

  • [Bug]: Substrate balances in the blockchain & accounts view will now display correctly.

  • [Bug] #6597: Transactions involving ENS labelhashes with odd number of digits will now be decoded correctly and the entire decoding process should not halt if they are encountered.

  • [Bug]: ENS registrations that involve a refund to the user due to paying too much should reflect the proper amount in the decoded event.

  • [Bug] #6625: Error text when merging assets will now appear properly.

1.30.1 2023-08-23

  • [Bug]: Fix an issue where certain gitcoin donations were not detected in optimism and where the big transfer to the contract which later splits into the donations was mistakenly kept.

  • [Bug] #6524: Premium users will be able to explicitly request to force push their local DB to the server backup properly again.

  • [Bug]: Removed deprecated “Reset DB button” from the aave/yearn view.

  • [Bug] #6528: Spam assets will be synced across accounts sharing the same globaldb and won’t be queried during token detection.

  • [Bug]: Last premium DB upload will now show the last known DB upload time from the remote and not the time the local app did its last upload. This is important for people using multiple machines.

1.30.0 2023-08-17

  • [Feature]: All gitcoin v2 related events are now properly decoded across supported EVM chains.

  • [Feature] #6454: The balances snapshot csv file exported from rotki now contains an asset symbol column.

  • [Feature] #3420: Arbitrum One support has been added. Balances will be shown, transactions pulled and decoded and taken into account in the PnL report.

  • [Feature]: Transactions for adding, removing and changing owners threshold for a gnosis safe multisig will now be decoded properly.

  • [Feature]: DIVA token airdrop claim and delegations are now properly shown in the decoded history events.

  • [Feature]: Users will now be able to check their addresses able to claim the DIVA airdrop.

  • [Feature]: Optimism governance votes that include parameters should now be decoded properly.

  • [Feature] #6033: Optimism gas calculation is now correctly taking into account L1 gas fees.

  • [Feature]: The database size for users who have EVM transactions of any chain is now greatly reduced. Some databases had a reduction of up to 40%.

  • [Feature]: Gnosis safe transaction execution or failure is now properly shown in the decoded history events.

  • [Feature] #6426: Users will now be able to import their BitMEX wallet history files.

  • [Feature] #6041: Add external service timeout settings.

  • [Feature] #6274: Staking events from cointracking CSV can now be imported properly

  • [Feature] #6444: Users will now be able to see the asset graph in asset collection view.

  • [Bug] #5038: The rare error some premium users got: “Plaintext DB is locked” should no longer happen.

  • [Bug]: Using SVG icons for assets will now work.

  • [Bug]: Newer deposits to zksync lite should be decoded properly in the history events view.

  • [Bug]: Remote errors should no longer affect the ethereum staking deposits decoded event view.

  • [Bug]: Fix an error affecting the events pagination for non premium users.

  • [Bug]: Improve date and hexadecimal address scrambling.

  • [Bug]: Fix a bug where the ETH asset is not shown correctly in the location breakdown when the ‘Treat ETH as ETH2’ setting is activated.

  • [Bug]: Fixed an error affecting compound decoders where having more than one asset with the same symbol made the decoding fail.

  • [Bug]: Fixed an error that prevented from exporting the PnL report with debug information.

  • [Bug]: ENS names that use the new RegistrarController and are renewed will have their events properly detected.

  • [Bug]: Fix an issue where MEV rewards could not be correctly accounted and exported in the CSV summary.

1.29.1 2023-07-27

  • [Feature]: Premium users will be able to backup larger DBs if they use the sync functionality.

  • [Bug] #6358: Handle avalanche error at checking address activity gracefully.

  • [Bug] #6349: Fix issue where users may see an assets update conflicts dialog that does not appear to have any size.

  • [Bug] #6350: Graceful handling of EVM rpc node returning non-int block number.

  • [Bug]: Fix bug on the <date-time-picker /> component, where the validation for future dates was broken when selecting a different timezone. This also fixes the issue with the cursor, while the user is editing the number in the middle.

  • [Bug]: Fix issue where users cannot add non EVM asset.

  • [Bug]: DSR balances that are held via a proxy contract will no longer appear duplicated under some specific circumstances.

  • [Bug]: Removing an evm address will no longer affect metadata such as detected tokens of the address if it is also tracked for another evm chain.

  • [Bug]: Doing multiple simultaneous filter asset searches no longer results in Global DB locked error.

  • [Bug]: Errors creating a premium account with an invalid premium key in Windows are now handled gracefully

  • [Bug]: Fix a bug where some images indicating the location of the assets are not loaded.

1.29.0 2023-06-28

  • [Feature]: 1inch v4 events should now be properly decoded.

  • [Feature]: Events involving curve gauge voting should now be properly decoded.

  • [Feature]: Cowswap trades should now display the fee separately as a different event.

  • [Feature]: Convex staking and Curve gauge balances will no longer need a manual balances refresh to be detected.

  • [Feature]: The PnL report page will load faster if there is many old reports in the DB.

  • [Feature] #5250: Ethereum transactions involving AAVE v1 and v2 liquidations will now be decoded properly.

  • [Feature]: Ethereum transactions involving locking and unlocking GNO using the locked GNO contract will now be decoded properly.

  • [Feature]: Ethereum transactions involing bribe claim payouts from StakeDAO will now be decoded properly.

  • [Feature] #6179: Users will now be able to import their trades, income and spending from BitcoinTaxes.

  • [Feature] #5255: Pnl report assets now have an etherscan link to make it easier to identify pool assets.

  • [Feature]: Transactions changing the content hash of an ENS name will now be properly decoded.

  • [Feature] #2822: In the asset graph, users will see another setting Infer zero timed balances which when activated will show the periods when users weren’t holding the asset.

  • [Feature]: ENS name transfers will now be shown properly and not just as generic ERC721 transfers.

  • [Bug]: Transactions containing anonymous events should now be properly decoded.

  • [Bug]: If the relay reports an mev reward with same recipient and amount as block reward, do not create a duplicate block mev reward.

  • [Bug]: Notes in exported CSV reports will contain the correct url for transactions in different EVM chains.

  • [Bug]: Events that were imported via a csv file will now be properly accounted for in PnL reports.

  • [Bug]: Aave transactions that deposit ETH in a contract that uses WETH will now be correctly decoded.

  • [Bug]: Users will no longer see double counting of balances in curve gauges.

  • [Bug]: Events depositing tokens in Yearn V2 vaults where the full owned amount is deposited should be now correctly decoded.

  • [Bug]: Users will now be able to decode compounding transactions for Convex gauges.

  • [Bug]: Users will now see correctly decoded Kyber legacy trades.

  • [Bug]: Users will be now able to add multiple EVM tokens with the same name if the address is different.

  • [Bug]: ENS avatar fetching for each name’s avatar should now work for all name resolvers. Even older or custom ones.

  • [Bug]: Events where the user withdraws WETH from a Uniswap V2 liquidity position will be now correctly decoded.

  • [Bug]: Fix issue for ledger actions with zero rate, where the rate isn’t used in the PnL report.

  • [Bug]: Fix issue create account always saving submit_usage_analytics as true.

1.28.0 2023-05-17

  • [Feature]: For known protocols like yearn, curve, uniswap etc, if the on-chain price query fails, external oracles will still be queried in case something is found there.

  • [Feature] #5592: Either include fees in the bought assets price or treat them as standalone events depending on the accounting settings.

  • [Feature] #5611: Users will now see an improved notification if their API keys for Etherscan are missing and it will be easier to take action on it.

  • [Feature] #3004: Users will now be able to automatically track balances in convex gauges and their locked and staked CVX.

  • [Feature] #5569: It is now possible to detect when an evm address is used in other chains and start tracking it. Also a background task runs periodically that performs this check.

  • [Feature] #5587: Forward/Backward navigation for filters/pagination (using mouse buttons) will now be possible in the history section.

  • [Feature] #5588: Users will now be able to save and restore used filters in the history section.

  • [Feature] #5582: Users will now be able to add their own tx hash, if somehow rotki failed to detects it.

  • [Feature] #5639: Cowswap transactions are now decoded properly.

  • [Feature] #1505: Users will now be able to see breakdown of Binance/Binance US exchange balances, which are in account balances, and which are in savings/lending. The interest history also will be taken into account in the PnL report.

  • [Feature] #5677: Swaps made on Curve in ethereum mainnet will now be properly decoded as trades.

  • [Feature] #5676: Curve gauge deposit, withdrawal and claim rewards actions will now be correctly decoded.

  • [Feature] #5798: Users will now be able to see ENS avatars for addresses.

  • [Feature] #5761: Liquity transactions that were made via DSProxies will now be properly decoded.

  • [Feature] #5696: Transactions interacting with Curve Zap Deposit contracts are now decoded properly.

  • [Feature] #5816: The NFT images will not be automatically rendered now. It is made so to prevent a known security issue, that may result in leakage of your privacy (read ). You can add domains you trust to the whitelisted domain in the NFT setting.

  • [Feature]: Refunds in ENS renewal transactions will now be properly processed.

  • [Feature] #5824: Improved support for ENS, allowing to decode the version of their contracts that added the name wrapper.

  • [Feature] #5933: FTX and FTX US support is removed since the exchanges no longer exist

  • [Feature] #4886: Staking MEV rewards for your validators will now be properly detected, displayed and accounted for in the PnL report.

  • [Feature] #5473: Block production rewards for your validators will now be properly detected, displayed and accounted for in the PnL report.

  • [Feature] #3973: Users will now be able to track their profit in Liquity staking and stability pool.

  • [Feature] #2469: History events have now been unified under a common history events section. At the moment it features all kraken exchange events, evm events, custom imported events, block productions, staking withdrawals. Missing events retain their own sections and will be merged into the unified history in subsequent releases.

  • [Bug]: Withdrawals from curve pools with aave wrapped tokens will now be decoded correctly.

  • [Bug]: Users will now see the correct set of NFTs if they customized the list of addresses queried for the NFT module.

  • [Bug] #5934: When an exchange account is deleted from rotki and there are still more tracked accounts on the same exchange, events will no longer be re-queried for those remaining accounts.

  • [Bug]: When users edit exchange credentials, if new credentials are invalid, the old passphrase will now be kept.

  • [Bug]: Fixed an issue where reports couldn’t be exported if there was special characters in notes or assets and the user locale was not compatible.

  • [Bug]: Now there won’t be errors querying balances when an address owning a Makerdao vault is deleted.

  • [Bug]: If a premium user changes their rotki password they will now be able to pull remote data without restarting the app.

  • [Bug] #5847: Dev users: Querying the all balances api endpoint multiple times within 15 mins under certain conditions will no longer double some asset balances.

  • [Bug] #5717: Swaps will now be processed in accounting correctly even if set manually.

  • [Bug] #5749: Phishing zero token transfer transactions will now be hidden and ignored.

  • [Bug] #5697: Tokens returned to the user when decoding Balancer V1 deposits won’t be detected as received wrapped tokens.

  • [Bug]: PnL report will now correctly show progress bar percentage if user has connected but non-syncing exchanges.

  • [Bug]: Handled ETH2 staking rewards conversions in Kraken after the activation of withdrawals.

  • [Bug]: Fixed a bug that didn’t allow adding a new Bitpanda account.

  • [Bug]: Users with kraken accounts with old data that were never purged and repulled will no longer have missing events.

  • [Bug]: Ignoring forked assets ETC, BCH and BSV for accounting should now also remove any pre-fork references of them and completely omit them from the PnL report.

  • [Bug]: Fixed an edge case where removing an EVM account multiple times in a row, while a transactions querying task ran, would result in an error.

  • [Bug]: Ethereum transactions claiming COMP after comptroller’s COMP ran out and has been refilled will now be decoded correctly as COMP rewards.

  • [Bug]: Fixed an issue importing events from BlockFi when the assets’ symbol use lowercase instead of uppercase.

  • [Bug] #5672: Exported csv files after using ACB as the cost basis calculation algorithm will now reflect the same numbers as shown in the app.

  • [Bug]: Fixed a bug where balancer icon is not showed as transaction event counterparty.

  • [Bug]: Yearn vault price queries will now work more robustly. If the underlying token is not in rotki’s DB it will be queried from the chain.

  • [Bug] #5825: Eth staking view overview numbers will no longer be limited to the past year.

  • [Bug] #5572: Fix a detection error that caused some uniswap v2 trade edge cases not to be accounted for properly in pnl report.

  • [Bug] #5491: Show original manual latest price asset in manual balance form.

1.27.1 2023-02-24

  • [Feature] #5576: Added support for WSTETH, RETH, GNO and other collateral type makerdao vaults. Also added code to autodetect new collateral type makerdao vaults in the future (so long as ABI stays the same).

  • [Feature]: Transactions involving Sai CDP migration to Dai CDP are now properly decoded.

  • [Bug]: Transactions that happened in genesis block are now properly decoded

  • [Bug]: Fixes bug when some decoded events in transactions would disappear.

  • [Bug] #5561: Fixes average cost basis calculation.

  • [Bug]: Fixes curve deposits and withdrawals accounting.

  • [Bug]: Fixes bug where navigation bar on the left didn’t expand by default.

  • [Bug]: Fixes bug where asset breakdown wasn’t displayed correctly in the exchange balance section.

  • [Bug] #5560: EVM transaction events should now be properly ignored in accounting.

  • [Bug]: Fixes bug where wrong account label was used in asset location breakdown.

  • [Bug]: Fixes bug where Maker Vault Collateralization Ratio can’t be edited in watcher form.

  • [Bug]: Fixes bug where an error message is not shown when some input filled with incorrect value.

  • [Bug]: Fixed a bug where token balance detection for EVM tokens with many addresses may not have worked properly.

1.27.0 2023-02-03

  • [Feature] #5463: Deposits into the eth2 contract should now be decoded correctly

  • [Feature] #1756: Uniswap and sushiswap pool join/exit events are now properly decoded and taken into account during PnL report.

  • [Feature] #3231: Optimism is now supported. Optimism balances will be shown and optimism transactions will be decoded.

  • [Feature]: Swaps made via uniswap v3 auto routers (both v1 and v2) will now be decoded correctly.

  • [Feature] #784: Add support for OKX exchange

  • [Feature] #5050: Users can now add a custom image/icon for each custom asset they own.

  • [Feature] #4912: Users can now ignore individual NFTs and they will not appear in the dashboard balances or snapshots.

  • [Feature] #5526: Users will now be able to read the name of the profit currency when moving the mouse over the currency symbol.

  • [Feature] #5148: Users will now see tokens detected for accounts having a DSProxy.

  • [Feature] #1793: The PnL report can now be generated with the average cost basis accounting method.

  • [Feature] #5001: The PnL report can now be generated with the Highest-In First Out (HIFO) accounting method.

  • [Feature] #4487: Users can now customize the order of how addresses are resolved to human readable names.

  • [Feature] #4940: Users will now be able to reset the assets database without losing any custom information they may have added.

  • [Feature] #5150: Add option to abbreviate large number. For example to show 1.234.567 as 1.23 M.

  • [Feature] #4416: Transactions that have interacted with the single collateral DAI CDP contracts are now properly decoded.

  • [Feature]: Users will now be able to see newly detected token section under “Manage Assets” menu, so it will be easier to add any spam assets to the ignored tokens list.

  • [Feature] #5015: EVM assets across multiple chains will now appear together in the dashboard, with an option to break them down into their per-chain holding.

  • [Bug]: If an exchange location is set as non-syncing but has also been removed, attempting to query for it will no longer query all exchanges.

  • [Bug]: Customized ownership proportions of validators owned by eth1 addresses will now be properly respected.

  • [Bug]: Fixed an issue where price for pairs of fiat currencies was not queried properly.

  • [Bug] #5390: Profit for ethereum validators will now be handled correctly if the deposit was made on beacon chain genesis.

  • [Bug]: Trades involving delisted bitfinex pairs will now be properly read by rotki.

  • [Bug]: Transfers of ether between tracked accounts will now have a correct label in the UI.

  • [Bug]: Fixed an edge case where users would be swamped with “This socket is already used by another greenlet” errors during websocket communication between backend and frontend.

  • [Bug] #5402: Fix issue where the wrong filepath is used when deleting user DB backup in Windows.

  • [Bug] #4332: Price oracles are now temporarily penalized after repeated failures.

1.26.3 2022-12-30

  • [Bug]: If a user removes the API keys for an exchange, actions on that exchange will no longer be excluded from PnL reports.

  • [Bug]: Tokens added by the Balancer module will now have the name field correctly set.

  • [Bug] #5038: Premium users with big databases should no longer see the error: “Upload data to server died with exception: database plaintext is locked”.

  • [Bug] #5265: Visiting the trades page will no longer query trades from ignored exchanges.

  • [Bug]: Users will be able to finish balance queries if they have assets with missing information.

  • [Bug]: Transfers between tracked accounts will now have a correct label in the UI.

  • [Bug]: Connecting to substrate nodes will no longer timeout prematurely for systems with slow connections.

  • [Bug] #5315: Fix issue where balance is not fully refreshed after detect tokens button pressed.

1.26.2 2022-12-09

  • [Bug]: Default list of open nodes has been modified. Users who used only defaults may notice an increase in speed. For others it depends on their selection and they are encouraged to review and modify their ethereum nodes list.

  • [Bug]: Now Card Cashback Reversal entries from cryptocom csv will be imported correctly.

  • [Bug]: Fix an issue with nginx websocket proxying on docker.

  • [Bug]: Users will be able to edit EVM tokens again and the information about underlying tokens will be correctly displayed.

  • [Bug]: Fix an edge-case problem with synchronizing database with the server.

  • [Bug]: Users won’t get errors querying prices due the usage of defi oracles for querying prices of NFTs.

  • [Bug] #2934: Users will now be able to deploy the docker image on a subpath instead of the root domain.

  • [Bug]: Uniswap V3 oracle will now correctly skip assets with no liquidity when querying prices.

  • [Bug] #5128: Ethereum transactions where no value was transferred will now be correctly decoded.

  • [Bug] #5126: APR and APY for borrowing and lending in Aave should properly show again.

  • [Bug] #5124: Users will now correctly see all the events related to lending in the defi view.

  • [Bug] #5127: Uniswap V3 swap transactions are now decoded properly.

  • [Bug]: Users will now be able to import binance trades of type Buy + Transaction Related from CSV exports.

  • [Bug] #5170: Fix issue where loopring balances is not updated when blockchain balances are manually refreshed.

  • [Bug] #5187: Fix issue where the blockchain balances were refreshed, when only changing the label or the tags of an account.

1.26.1 2022-11-04

  • [Feature] #5046: Users who deleted important assets from their rotki instance will now have a fallback and won’t get their rotki stuck.

  • [Feature] #5080: For custom assets with custom price there should no longer be any double conversion. So 1 euro should always be one euro.

  • [Feature] #5102: Show stability pool to liquity module.

  • [Feature] #5114: Add an option to reset the global DB assets that are known by the app to their original state. A so called soft-reset.

  • [Feature] #5144: Add HIFO and ACB options for cost basis method.

  • [Bug]: Acquisitions in onchain swaps won’t be taxable in PnL reports.

  • [Bug] #5073: Rotki won’t fail to start at an edge case of starting the app again after more than a year when a particular global DB table that is expected is missing.

  • [Bug] #4821: Provide a fix for an infinite loop querying FTX trades if many trades were made in a short time.

  • [Bug] #5051: Windows users with a premium subscription should be able to upload their user DB for backup to our server properly again.

  • [Bug]: Having SOL in custody of will now work properly again.

  • [Bug] #5052: Provide a fix for the edge case at 1.25.3->1.26.0 (v34->v35) DB upgrade that caused a FOREIGN key error and botched the upgrade.

  • [Bug] #5041: Add an option to only show ignored assets in assets table.

1.26.0 2022-10-28

  • [Feature] #2270: Users can now import generic data into rotki via a rotki CSV import option.

  • [Feature] #2701: Multi-evm assets are now supported. All EVM assets display the chain they correspond to in the UI.

  • [Feature]: Transactions involving uniswap v2 and uniswap v3 will now be properly decoded in the ethereum transactions view

  • [Feature]: An ethereum address’s tokens can now be manually detected by pressing a specific button in the UI.

  • [Feature]: Transactions that have interaced with the WETH contract are now properly decoded.

  • [Feature] #1705: Ethereum token for each address will no longer be automatically detected with each query. Query speed performance improvement.

  • [Feature]: Ethereum transactions involving convex finance should now be automatically decoded.

  • [Feature] #4704: Management of ignored assets is now moved to asset settings.

  • [Feature] #1224: Windows binaries should now be signed and the warnings that the software is not trusted should slowly go away.

  • [Feature] #4600: User will now be notified if a leftover backend process is running when starting rotki.

  • [Feature] #3249: Add Uniswap V3 LP Positions Functionality.

  • [Feature] #1744: LP balances (Uniswap V2 & V3, Sushiswap, Balancer) should now appear in the dashboard and be taken into account in the snapshots.

  • [Feature] #4602: Shows indicator that indicates whether ETH nodes are connected or not.

  • [Feature] #1830: Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash addresses are now derived from XPUBs when balances are refreshed.

  • [Feature] #2770: Add generic CSV import functionality.

  • [Feature] #4449: Add Taproot (P2TR) option when adding Bitcoin xpub.

  • [Feature] #4755: Add mass delete functionality for trades and ledger actions.

  • [Feature] #4676: Now curve pools are automatically detected in the background each week, and more pools are supported.

  • [Feature] #4675: Added YFIETH-f curve pool to the list of known assets.

  • [Feature] #4906: Add supports for custom assets.

  • [Feature] #2607: Users can now add general and section specific notes in rotki by clicking on the note icon on the top right menu.

  • [Bug]: Decimals now defaults to 18 when token contract info query fails.

  • [Bug] #4870: ETH2 staking view should no longer freeze for too many validators.

  • [Bug] #4930: Taxable ledger actions that spend fiat currencies should now be properly seen as taxable.

  • [Bug]: If something is wrong with an asset update, it won’t end up having partial information.

  • [Bug]: When force sync fails a proper error message is displayed

  • [Bug] #4722: Show unsupported error when running rotki on Windows 7.

1.25.3 2022-09-02

  • [Bug]: Addition of same addresses and xpubs on Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash now should work properly and balances should be correct.

  • [Bug]: Bisq importer will now use the correct amount in all the imported trades.

  • [Bug] #4710: Users will again be able to import CSV from certain importers.

  • [Bug] #4769: Fixed various issues with adding/editing/deleting web3 nodes. Editing the name of a node now works and also setting all open nodes to 0% query probability should no longer throw a 500 error.

  • [Bug] #4781: Failure in one specific binance endpoint during balance query won’t fail the entire binance balances query unless it’s the main spot balances endpoint.

1.25.2 2022-08-17

  • [Feature] #4645: Support the new poloniex API. Note that with their “new and advanced” API we can’t query trades history older than 1 week.

  • [Feature]: The add button in blockchain accounts & balances is now bigger on larger screens.

  • [Bug] #4682: Premium users will again be able to load the dex trades section correctly.

  • [Bug] #4657: Now ens names are verified by forward resolution.

  • [Bug] #4671: Fixes an issue with the auto-updater not working properly.

1.25.1 2022-07-28

  • [Bug] #4502: Nexo importer now supports updated format.

  • [Bug] #4597: Tokens with no information about decimals won’t make the price query stop if the uniswap oracles are used.

  • [Bug] #4606: Fixes missing decimals when editing a manual balance while having custom decimal and thousand separators.

  • [Bug] #4586: DB yielding instructions is now an argument and can be configured by the user. It can be set to any positive integer or zero to disable it. There is a class of bugs that can lead to crash of the backend when this is enabled, so disabling is now an easy way to avoid them. With this enabled DB access parallelization is achieved for long running queries.

  • [Bug]: Some cases of python segfaulting under specific conditions of reading/writing to the DB should now be fixed.

  • [Bug] #4578: Value distribution by asset now respects ETH=ETH2 setting.

  • [Bug] #4599: Users will see a smaller amount of icons when accessing rotki from a mobile device.

  • [Bug]: Introduce an experimental approach to ignore uniswap v2 pool pricing for pools with single sided liquidity that is less than $5k. This is experimental and we will probably figure out a better way to filter spam assets in the future. Context:

1.25.0 2022-07-15

  • [Feature] #4067: macOS compatibility has been improved with native support for Apple Silicon. Now two binaries for x86 and ARM architectures are generated.

  • [Feature] #44: Add option to change cost basis method (FIFO and LIFO order).

  • [Feature] #4099: Users are now able to export an event list of a PnL run to provide to the developers for debugging purposes.

  • [Feature] #3798: Users will be now able to combine ETH and ETH2 and display it as one in the interface.

  • [Feature] #4243: Users will now be able to refresh the icons of an asset

  • [Feature] #4268: Add a premium setting to follow the system’s theme.

  • [Feature] #1028: Native support for Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

  • [Feature] #3095: The application will now notify the user if there is a status change for the premium subscription.

  • [Feature]: Add zoom feature for line charts.

  • [Feature] #1420: Add address book for ETH addresses.

  • [Feature] #4495: Users will now be able to toggle ETH staking taxation.

  • [Feature] #2219: Users will now be able to edit balance snapshots.

  • [Feature] #3325: Users will now be able to manage all ethereum nodes queried, their querying priority and add any arbitrary number of nodes to query.

  • [Bug]: Asset value distribution graph will no longer include ignored assets.

  • [Bug]: ERC20 approves for tokens that do not have the event arguments indexed such as will now not break rotki.

  • [Bug] #4417: Activating privacy mode will now also scramble the value, to prevent other users from estimating the value (e.g. By estimating the length of digit of the value, or using advanced software to unblur the text).

  • [Bug]: In a rare edge case the database with past profit and loss reports won’t block the version upgrade process.

  • [Bug]: Fix empty asset location distribution for ETH2.

  • [Bug] #4456: Now NFTs query should not raise any unhandled error during the process of adding new ethereum addresses.

  • [Bug]: Now querying ens names for an empty list of addresses won’t be causing an error.

  • [Bug]: The electron application will now terminate properly if the backend fails to start.

  • [Bug] #4530: Movements from Bitstamp should now be correctly read if the asset is known.

  • [Bug] #4459: Transactions that happened in genesis block are now queried and stored properly.

  • [Bug]: Now no missing acquisitions should appear for fiat assets during accounting.

  • [Bug] #4438: Filtering of ethereum transactions is now enabled.

1.24.1 2022-06-03

  • [Feature] #4401: The options for remember username and password are now separated.

  • [Bug] #4422: Account balances in blockchain accounts that contain ignored assets will now show the correct sum total net value.

  • [Bug] #4381: Fixes a problem at the DB upgrade between v1.23.4 and 1.24.0 which affected a subset of some kraken users.

  • [Bug]: Prevent error while importing CSVs from cointracking when one trade row had a 0 amount bought.

  • [Bug]: COMP price before 20/06/2020 will not be hardcoded to $239.13 if queried via cryptocompare.

  • [Bug] #4122: Kucoin users should be able to retrieve information for old trades again.

  • [Bug]: Acquisitions for which no price can be found will still appear and not count as missing acquisitions.

  • [Bug] #4384: Price caches filter should now be working again.

  • [Bug] #4378: Ask for users permission to access keychain only when Remember Me option at login screen is enabled.

  • [Bug] #4420: Transactions with the old WETH contract and other contracts that don’t have decimals, symbol and name should now be decoded properly.

  • [Bug] #4386: Blockfi import for transactions now supports ‘Crypto Transfer’

  • [Bug] #4398: Fix asset type selection that cannot be enabled for new asset addition.

  • [Bug] #4425: Makes periodic premium checking task less strict. Also introduces automatic reactivation.

  • [Bug] #4379: For many ethereum transactions the entire app should no longer hang. This is a temporary fix until a proper one is implemented. With this fix we temporarily remove the ability to filter in the ethereum transactions view.

  • [Bug] #4383: Removing an address while running a PnL report should now work.

1.24.0 2022-05-27

  • [Feature] #2216: Users will now be able to use Uniswap V2 and Uniswap V3 as price oracles.

  • [Feature] #3838: Support for FTX.US has been added.

  • [Feature] #569: Users will now be able to see assets staked, and amounts gained on Kraken’s staking feature.

  • [Feature] #2934: Users will now be able to deploy the docker image under a sub directory behind a proxy.

  • [Feature] #3987: Users will now be able to delete multiple database backups.

  • [Feature] #4030: Add copy functionality for amount display.

  • [Feature]: rotki no longer uses the gitcoin api or gitcoin CSVs to import information from gitcoin.

  • [Feature] #4068: Introduces location overview page.

  • [Feature] #3669: Users can export and import their custom assets.

  • [Feature] #4071: Add option to reduce the animations effect.

  • [Feature] #1477: Adds classification for ETH transactions and their events.

  • [Feature] #4125: Introduces auto login mechanism for electron app.

  • [Feature] #3370: Manual balance labels are now editable even after their creation.

  • [Feature] #3894: Users will now be able to download a balance snapshot by clicking a point at dashboard graph.

  • [Feature] #2853: Add option to disable sync for connected exchanges.

  • [Feature] #1106: Balance snapshots will now be created automatically without the need to restart the application or force a save.

  • [Feature] #4249: Allow users to ignore asset from the asset overview page.

  • [Feature] #1219: Introduces basic global search (you can go to any page in the app, do some basic actions such as adding a new trade or a ledger action, and also see prices of owned asset).

  • [Feature] #4219: Users will now be able to import a balance snapshot manually.

  • [Feature] #2219: Users will now be able to delete balance snapshots.

  • [Feature] #718: Users can now ignore an exchange from the PnL report using the same option as the one for exchange syncing.

  • [Feature] #1680: Users will now be able to see their 1inch v1 and v2 trades.

  • [Feature] #2890: Transactions in the PnL report are now clickable and have a link to the chosen blockchain explorer via the transaction hash.

  • [Feature] #1115: Apply ENS reverse resolution to all Ethereum addresses shown in the frontend and if any have an ENS name associated with them, display that instead of raw address.

  • [Feature] #4154: Binance data (trades, deposits, staking, etc.) can now be imported via csv file.

  • [Feature] #1797: All missing acquisitions and missing prices found during a PnL period are now gathered and shown to the user as actionable items at the end of the report generation.

  • [Feature] #2221: All missing yearn v1 vaults should now have their balances detected and their historical accounting taken into account.

  • [Bug] #4078: Adjust scrollbar color in dark mode for better visibility.

  • [Bug] #4060: Treat reimbursement as a ledger action for imports.

  • [Bug] #4172: Disallow addition and editing of external trade that could result in invalid trade fees.

  • [Bug] #4261: Fixes a problem were the docker container image size would increase on every restart.

1.23.4 2022-03-23

  • [Bug] #4142: If an owned NFT has no image URL, NFTs will still be properly queried and shown in the frontend.

  • [Bug] #3661: NFT won’t be displayed as option while adding custom assets since the logic there is not compatible with NFTs.

  • [Bug]: BlockFi import for trades will use the correct rate.

  • [Bug] #4059: Nexo importer won’t consider LockingTermDeposit as another deposit.

  • [Bug] #4077: stkAave balance should no longer be double counted. Also unclaimed stkAave will appear in the balance (as Aave).

  • [Bug] #4072: Prevent users from inputting future date on trade and ledger action form.

1.23.3 2022-02-04

  • [Feature]: Support for LUNA and card top ups has been added to the importer.

  • [Bug] #3947: Coinbase conversions will now choose in a better way the asset to nominate the fees.

  • [Bug]: All Liquity events will now always be correctly queried.

  • [Bug] #4010: users won’t see errors for rows containing zeros.

  • [Bug]: If binance returns a delisted market as active and rotki queries it, the entire binance trade history query will not fail.

  • [Bug] #3998: FTX subaccounts should now be working again.

  • [Bug] #3993: Fix app bar icons misbehavior when windows is resized.

  • [Bug] #4039: Rewards and cashbacks from will now be correctly categorized as ledger actions.

  • [Bug] #3983: Add loading indicator to data directory field.

  • [Bug] #4013: Fix Bitpanda icon missing in exchange selector.

  • [Bug] #4034: If a new premium user is created, with DB sync on, premium api keys being correct but wrong password is given then creating same user with right password will now work.

1.23.2 2022-01-21

  • [Feature] #3952: Maker’s WBTC-B, WBTC-C and MATIC-A vaults are now supported.

  • [Feature]: Users can now add an OpenSea API key to the external api keys page. Also some changes were made to try and improve opensea retrievals even without the user needing to input a key.

  • [Bug]: Query for AVAX balances will be more reliable now.

  • [Bug]: If a PnL report is ran for a specific period and there is more events after the period a warning for missing events and prompt to upgrade to premium won’t show mistakenly anymore.

  • [Bug]: Kraken’s KFEE will use the price of 0.01 USD when it is needed.

  • [Bug]: The application will now notify the user and exit if multiple backend binaries exist due to a failed update.

  • [Bug] #3964: Liquity Troves managed by a DSProxy will now see their events properly listed.

  • [Bug] #3943: Users will now be able to properly add multiple accounts on Avalance even if they exist on Ethereum.

  • [Bug]: Users will now be properly prompted to restart the application after the auto-updater downloads the update.

1.23.1 2022-01-14

  • [Bug] #3901: Coinbase accounts with internal subaccount movements will now display the Coinbase withdrawals properly.

  • [Bug] #3903: The application should now run on macOS 10.14 (Mojave) without errors.

  • [Bug]: PnL report will correctly detect asset cost basis when the fee of a trade is nominated in the received asset.

  • [Bug]: AVAX balances should now be always correctly queried.

  • [Bug]: Restores arm64 docker images.

  • [Bug] #3899: users will now be able to import supercharger events and recurring buy orders. Viban purchases will also now be correct categorized.

  • [Bug] #3895: Popup for successful forced sync operation should show correct icon.

  • [Bug] #3896: Fix dashboard balance search that does not show ethereum tokens.

  • [Bug]: Fix coinbase/pro detection for GTC, TRU and FARM.

  • [Bug] #3916: Users with ethereum transactions that deploy contracts will now be able to load the transactions view properly.

  • [Bug] #3913: NFT Balances table at dashboard should be updated when users remove an ethereum account.

  • [Bug] #3929: Prevent users from using invalid character for thousands and decimal separator.

1.23.0 2021-12-31

  • [Feature] #3712: Users will now be able to choose a custom date format while importing CSV files.

  • [Feature] #3549: Users will now be able to select whether to include or not NFT total value in total net worth and graphs.

  • [Feature] #3708: Users will now be able to see trades from kraken made from their phone APP and in the kraken’s swap UI.

  • [Feature] #3725: Users can now see if any of their addresses have SDL available to claim from the SDL airdrop.

  • [Feature] #3497: Users will now be able to add ETH2 validators via index or public key.

  • [Feature] #3685: Users will now be able to correctly read more transaction types in CSV files imported from

  • [Feature] #1864: Users will now be able to see trades, deposits and withdrawals imported in CSV from exchanges not connected using API keys.

  • [Feature] #824: Users will now be able to import their trade history from bisq.

  • [Feature] #3716: Users can now see if any of their addresses have PSP available to claim from the PSP airdrop.

  • [Feature] #1214: Users will now be able to load and manage previously generated profit and loss reports.

  • [Feature] #3176: Amount inputs will now adhere to the user specified amount formatting.

  • [Feature] #3525: Users can now see the NFT icon at the NFT Balance table, and Non Fungible Balance table.

  • [Feature] #3753: Application users will now be able to (copy, cut and paste) using the context menu .

  • [Feature] #2918: Users can now select how the percentage column is calculated in the dashboard. Either based on total net value or based on current group (assets, liabilities, or nft).

  • [Feature] #3470: Users can now customize the date input format.

  • [Feature] #2297: The application will now perform an update check every 24h (user-configurable) while the application is running.

  • [Feature] #2446: Users can now switch between adding an external trade using quote asset amount or trade rate.

  • [Feature] #1875: Users can now enable or disable specific time frames in the graph timeframe

  • [Feature] #2121: Users can now select a different timezone when selecting a date to input.

  • [Feature] #2848: Users will now get taken to the top of the table automatically when changing a page.

  • [Feature] #2265: Users will now be able to see a hint for the trade rate when adding an external trade.

  • [Feature] #2624: Users will now be able to filter by tag in the asset details page.

  • [Feature] #2901: Users will now be able to select between a full privacy mode and a semi-privacy mode that keeps the percentages visible.

  • [Feature] #2382: Users will now be able to filter specific accounts such as the ones from Loopring using an automatically added tag.

  • [Feature] #2386: Users will see a separate section of L2 balances in Blockchain Balances section.

  • [Feature] #2876: The application users will now be able to start the auto update mechanism manually from the update indicator.

  • [Feature] #1242: Users will be asked first whether to activate premium feature, and enable database sync when create new account.

  • [Feature]: Any ethereum transactions that were ignored for accounting will now need to be re-ignored.

  • [Feature] #3842: Users will now be taken directly to create account when downloading the application for the first time.

  • [Feature] #3425: Users will be able to enter multiple pairs at once for binance exchange settings.

  • [Feature] #3324: Users will be able to set the percentage of ownership for jointly held eth2 validators.

  • [Bug] #3859: Trades imported from CSV should now have the correct rate imported.

  • [Bug] #3847: Inputting an address in the asset form with extra whitespace will now work properly thanks to trimming.

  • [Bug] #3804: Bitpanda users should now be able to see their crypto deposits and withdrawals.

  • [Bug]: Users whose only interaction with a yearn vault was a deposit will no longer see the entire deposit as loss in the PnL.

  • [Bug]: Users connected to Alchemy as a node will be able to properly retrieve old ethereum transactions.

  • [Bug]: Bitfinex users that used Spankchain in the exchange will now be able to see it properly in their trades, deposits/withdrawals and balances.

  • [Bug]: ShapeShift CSV includes minerFee in rate, but outputAmount does not include minerFee. Fix to account for the true transacted base amount.

  • [Bug]: Deposits and withdrawals in files from cointracking will now be correctly registered.

  • [Bug] #3641: Users should now be able to view profit and loss reports that have many thousands of events without the UI freezing.

  • [Bug] #3128: Bigger net worth values on dashboard should not overlap with the net worth graph.

  • [Bug] #3767: The module selector will now properly clear after selecting a module by clicking.

  • [Bug] #3847: Remove whitespace when inputting address in new asset form.

1.22.2 2021-11-30

  • [Feature]: rotki will now detect locked SRM balances in FTX.

  • [Bug]: Users will now be able to edit exchanges names for Kucoin and Coinbase Pro.

  • [Bug] #3767: At module selection clicking on the module chip won’t keep the text in the selection field.

  • [Bug]: Liquity users won’t make extra balances queries when using DSProxies.

  • [Bug] #3749: Users using multiple instances of the same exchange should now correctly see all their trades.

  • [Bug] #3744: Freshly created users who don’t open the app again before an upgrade will now be able to update to new DB versions again.

  • [Bug]: Kraken margin trades are not yet supported, so they won’t show up or be taken into account in kraken trade history.

1.22.1 2021-11-19

  • [Bug] #3702: RMRK for Kucoin and BCH for Bitfinex should now be properly recognized by rotki again.

  • [Bug] #3724: Users should see their per asset liabilities properly aggregated on dashboard.

  • [Bug]: Uniswap trades will be queried correctly now.

  • [Bug] #3714: Airdrops section will now work again for Windows users.

  • [Bug] #3722: Trades details will now properly expand one at a time.

  • [Bug] #3726: Manual liabilities should not count as assets and should be deducted from total net value when taking a snapshot. Also multiple liabilities of same asset should now be properly summed.

1.22.0 2021-11-12

  • [Feature] #3235: Users will now be able to create and manage database backups, and view information related to the rotki databases.

  • [Feature] #3335: Users will now be able to find the pending tasks in the notification sidebar.

  • [Feature] #3686: Users can now see if any of their addresses have ENS available to claim from the ENS airdrop.

  • [Feature] #1536: The Account & Balances add button will now be fixed to the right bottom of the screen. The blockchain balances add button will now properly select the appropriate blockchain based on the visible table.

  • [Feature] #1513: Users will now be able to add manual liabilities.

  • [Feature] #3594: Users can now sort the dashboard assets and blockchain balance per asset tables using the price field.

  • [Feature] #1451: Improves performance of the Transactions page.

  • [Feature] #3640: Liquity users that created troves using DefiSaver will be now able to track them.

  • [Feature] #3579: Users will now be able to sort the NFTs in the gallery by name, collection and price.

  • [Feature] #2483: Users will now get properly notified when saving the balance snapshot fails.

  • [Feature] #1146: Bitpanda exchange is now supported. Bitpanda balances are now shown and rotki can query trades and deposit/withdrawals from the exchange.

  • [Bug]: Transaction receipts will now be processed properly even for nodes(such as open ethereum) that do not return the type field for non EIP1559 transactions.

  • [Bug] #3666: An ethereum token’s address will be properly filled when navigating to the asset edit from the asset overview page.

  • [Bug] #3664: Binance US users will no longer see errors regarding the fiat payments and orders endpoints.

  • [Bug] #3667: Users should be able to upload asset icons to docker instances when using a remote connection via the application.

  • [Bug] #3676: NFT collection floor price should now be properly retrieved again and shown as the valuation for user NFTs that have had no previous sales.

  • [Bug] #3328: The asset update resolution dialog should now be usable on mobile screens.

1.21.3 2021-10-28

  • [Bug] #3647: It should be now possible for users to properly ignore DEX trades in the trade history page.

  • [Bug] #3630: Users will be able to properly see their MakerDAO vault loans

  • [Bug] #3613: Users should be now able to save a ledger action without specifying seconds.

  • [Bug] #3619: Binance users should now be able to properly process fiat payments, deposits and withdrawals.

  • [Bug] #3624: Editing a CEX api key should now work properly again.

  • [Bug] #3629: Kraken api rate limiting should no longer cause a query to get stuck in a loop.

  • [Bug] #3643: The price currency will now be properly visible on the NFT balance header sorting when using a mobile device.

  • [Bug] #2178: Premium DB sync popup should no longer popup if you only use one instance of rotki in one system.

1.21.2 2021-10-14

  • [Bug] #3603: The PnL execution will now continue despite potential error calling the compound subgraph.

  • [Bug] #3602: Kusama/Polkadot balances should now be queried properly again.

  • [Bug] #3580: NFT balances will now get removed from the UI when the user deactivates the module.

  • [Bug] #3591: Uphold trades will reflect exchanged value instead of received value for base amount. This will properly arrive at the received amount when the fee is accounted for.

  • [Bug] #3593: Sorting by asset in the dashboard asset table and blockchain balances per asset table should now properly sort alphabetically by the asset symbol.

  • [Bug]: The NFT gallery will correctly display NFTs that include a video extension but not at the end of the url.

  • [Bug] #3578: Adding an external trade on a specific date without specifying time will now be possible. Any backend validation errors on the date field should now be properly visible.

  • [Bug] #3576: User asset charts should no longer have arbitrary zero amounts. There is now a setting they can choose which is off by default. If set it denotes the multiplier of the snapshot saving frequency at which to insert 0 save balances for a graph between two saved values.

  • [Bug]: Users can now ignore any errors when force saving balances.

1.21.1 2021-10-07

  • [Feature] #3554: Gemini users will now have their earn balances tracked in rotki.

  • [Bug]: The value of NFTs will now be properly included as part of the total net worth when calculating an asset’s percentage.

  • [Bug] #3208: Rotki will now allow to track the same account for different blockchain types.

  • [Bug] #3414: Coinbase conversions should display the correct fee.

  • [Bug]: Docker users will be able to retrieve automatic information for tokens when adding new ethereum assets.

  • [Bug] #3552: Users with semi-fungible tokens in different ethereum wallets will see them correctly in the NFT gallery.

  • [Bug] #2613: Graphs of assets that used to miss all 0 balance data points between two time point will now properly show a 0 amount in the asset graph for the time period.

  • [Bug] #3546: Coinbase users with trades/deposits/withdrawals/balances of FET ( should have it properly detected.

  • [Bug] #3547: Coinbase transactions without network data returned should now be processed properly.

  • [Bug]: Statistics per asset graph will now properly display the name of the NFT.

  • [Bug] #3579: Asset type selector will now be properly disabled when editing an asset.

  • [Bug] #3555: Users should now be able to see the total value in the table of NFTs in the dashboard

1.21.0 2021-09-30

  • [Feature] #3474: Users of coinbase will now see deposits for coinbase earn and inflation rewards.

  • [Feature] #2836: Users will now be able to track Liquity’s troves and staking in the Liquity protocol.

  • [Feature] #2891: Users will now see notes and links for trades in the exported CSV files.

  • [Feature]: Users will now be able to track balances locked in pickle’s DILL.

  • [Feature] #1345: Users will now be able to import uphold transaction history CSVs exported from

  • [Feature] #3416: Users will now be able to import ShapeShift trade history CSVs exported from

  • [Feature] #3254: Users can now add a custom Covalent API key in rotki.

  • [Feature] #2847: Users will now be able to use a combination of filters in the search for trades and deposits/withdrawals.

  • [Feature] #2764: Users will now be able to restore the local assets database to its initial state.

  • [Feature] #1097: Users will now be able to view their NFTs, track and manage their prices, and also see their value as part of their total net worth.

  • [Feature] #3326: Introduces pagination for liquidity pool balances to help users with a great number of lps.

  • [Feature] #2362: Binance users will now be able to query their fiat deposit/withdrawals and fiat orders and have it taken into account in rotki.

  • [Feature] #3020: Users will now be able to copy their ETH1 addresses when visiting the ETH2 staking page.

  • [Feature] #3251: Users will now be able to easily access the asset edit page from the asset details page.

  • [Bug] #3535: There should no longer be a problem when changing active modules while an ETH account is already being added.

  • [Bug] #3490: If a user had historic trades of a delisted asset in coinbasepro the trades query will now work again.

  • [Bug] #3502: MakerDAO vault users who saw double the amount of liabilities for some of their vault/s should now see the proper amount again.

  • [Bug]: Users importing information from Nexo CSVs will correctly detect interest gains and detect special assets symbols.

  • [Bug] #3491: Coinbasepro users who own Barnbridge governance token (BOND) will now be able to properly see it in balances, trades and deposits/withdrawals.

  • [Bug] #3493: Users of Bitstamp will see correctly imported assets movements with fees in any coin.

  • [Bug] #3056: Users will now be better notified when an error occurred while importing information from on credit/debit events with special cases.

  • [Bug] #3418: Users will now be able to finish import from’s CSV files when there is a time mismatch between rows.

  • [Bug] #3421: Users will now be able to see solana properly in coinbase assets

  • [Bug] #3407: Users will now see correctly reported their amount of xSUSHI.

  • [Bug] #3406: Sushiswap events will now be taken into account during the profit and loss report.

  • [Bug] #3437: Fix a bug where for some active aave v2 lending positions the entire aToken balance would be shown as profit.

  • [Bug] #3452: Trades from externally imported exchanges (blockfi, etc.) should now be properly taken into accounting in the PnL report again.

  • [Bug] #3448: Improve Kucoin api rate limit handling. Recognize CFG asset in Kucoin as WCFG.

  • [Bug] #3463: Users using Turkish localization will now be able to use the application.

  • [Bug] #3267: Frontend will now occupy all the available screen when accessed from a mobile device.

  • [Bug] #3268: Users will now be able to properly scroll to the hidden tabs when using a mobile device.

  • [Bug] #3266: Users will now be able to properly access most of the top bar content using a mobile device.

  • [Bug] #3340: Users will now be able to properly see the favicon when accessing the frontend using Firefox.

  • [Bug] #3239: Users will now see only the relevant addresses suggested when filtering DeFi deposits.

1.20.1 2021-08-27

  • [Feature] #3349: AMM swaps now have a transaction hash link in the trade history section.

  • [Bug] #3373: The form to add a FTX account will now work correctly when the subaccount field is modified and then cleared.

  • [Bug] #3355: Yearn V2 vaults should now display a correct price.

  • [Bug] #3313: Discrepancies on the sign of net_profit_loss in PnL CSV export between exports with and without formulas should now be fixed.

  • [Bug] #3311: The PnL CSV export in Windows should now now longer contain the double number of lines and as such the formulas at the summary should be correct.

  • [Bug] #3310: For the edge case of a MakerDAO vault event containing a zero amount the MakerDAO DeFi section and PnL report should no longer get an error.

  • [Bug] #3329: Users will now properly see their sushiswap trades in the history page if they have the sushiswap module activated.

1.20.0 2021-08-06

  • [Feature] #3275: Users can now see if any of their addresses have FOX available to claim from the ShapeShift airdrop.

  • [Feature] #3138: Users will now see separate cards on the Defi overview for MakerDAO Vaults and MakerDAO DSR.

  • [Feature] #3061: Users will now get the last used location pre-selected when adding ledger actions.

  • [Feature] #3061: When inserting ledger actions users will now be able to skip the specific time on date input (00:00:00 will be assumed).

  • [Feature] #3097: Users will now have the option to disable the application tray icon.

  • [Feature] #3242: Native support for Avalanche Blockchain and Covalent API.

  • [Feature] #3125: Native support for Polkadot blockchain.

  • [Feature] #3252: Users will now be able to customize whether CSV export should contain formulas or not.

  • [Feature] #3279: Users will now be able to customize whether CSV export should contain a summary of PnL per event type.

  • [Feature] #2145: Users will now be able to customize whether CSV export should contain metadata of the PnL run. Consisting of the rotki version that generated it and the chosen accounting settings.

  • [Feature] #2426: Sushiswap is now supported. Premium users can see their LP balances, swaps history and LP pool join/exits. Finally the balancer trades are now taken into account in the profit/loss report.

  • [Bug] #3287: Users with AMM trades from different AMMs in a single transaction will now be able to select all and deselect all trades properly in the frontend.

  • [Bug] #3289: Aave v2 balances should now be taken into account in the DeFi deposits section.

  • [Bug] #3264: Users should now be able to properly download the PnL CSV when using docker.

1.19.1 2021-07-22

  • [Bug] #3214: UNIUP and UNIDOWN will now be correctly detected.

  • [Bug] #3199: Users will now properly see the node connection status/last sync information update.

  • [Bug] #3198: Firefox docker users will now see a regularly sized Gitcoin icon under the history menu.

  • [Bug] #3224: Users will now be able to properly select an end time in earlier dates.

  • [Bug] #3236: Users will now see the proper total networth for the current day in the graph tooltip.

1.19.0 2021-07-15

  • [Feature] #3069: When adding an asset coingecko/cryptocompare identifiers will now be validated and non-existing ones will be rejected.

  • [Feature] #3114: Users can easily check and manage which addresses are queried for each defi module directly from the respective module page.

  • [Feature] #2722: The sync conflict dialog dates will now be consistent with the user specified date format.

  • [Feature] #1857: Premium users will now be able to query Aave V2 events.

  • [Feature] #2778: Users will now be able to enable modules and queried addresses when adding an ethereum account

  • [Feature] #2456: Users will now be able to correctly retrieve prices for Curve LP tokens.

  • [Feature] #1666: Users will now be able to see their yearn v2 vaults in in the defi section.

  • [Feature] #692: Gitcoin Grant owners will now be able to track and generate reports of their grants.

  • [Feature] #1520: Users can now manually add prices for tokens/assets.

  • [Feature] #3116: Support for INR (Indian Rupee) as a profit currency has been added.

  • [Bug] #3134: The new cWBTC token should now be properly recognized for compound users.

  • [Bug] #3172: COIN should now be properly mapped to Coinbase tokenized stock in both bittrex and FTX.

  • [Bug] #3142: During v26->v27 upgrade if a user has balancer LP events the upgrade should no longer fail.

  • [Bug] #2685: Invoking –version from the rotki backend binary in Windows should no longer raise a Permission error.

  • [Bug] #3145: Docker users will now have the ability to logout any other sessions when attempting to connect from a new browser window.

1.18.1 2021-06-30

  • [Bug] #3096: The Uniswap module will ignore swaps not made by the queried address.

  • [Bug] #3100: FTX API keys with permission for subaccounts only will now be correctly validated.

  • [Bug] #3101: Editing ethereum token details via the asset manager in the frontend should now work properly again.

  • [Bug] #3118: Users will now be able to properly connect to the dockerized backend through the app. (It will not work if the docker container is a previous release).

  • [Bug] #2887: Upgrade the deprecated binance exchangeInfo and deposit/withdrawal APIs.

  • [Bug] #3133: Users will now properly see a MakerDAO entry in the Defi Overview.

  • [Bug] #2447: When fee of a trade is paid in crypto that crypto’s asset will now be deducted from the cost basis calculation.

1.18.0 2021-06-18

  • [Feature] #3058: Docker users will now get notified when running an outdated version of the frontend cached in their browser.

  • [Feature] #1073: Binance users will now be able to select which markets should be queried for trades history considerably improving the speed of binance history queries.

  • [Feature] #3014: Users will now get a suggested name when adding a new exchange.

  • [Feature] #2951: Users will now get results in a better order when searching for an asset in asset management. Search will now consider both name and symbol.

  • [Feature] #2670: Users will now get results in a better order when using the asset selector.

  • [Feature] #2786: FTX users will be able to query information for subaccounts only.

  • [Feature] #2954: On login screen, the password field will now be focused for users that have remember user enabled.

  • [Feature] #2596: Users will now be able to create new tags directly from the tag selection input.

  • [Feature] #3025: Users will now see the percentage of each location when looking into an asset’s details.

  • [Feature] #1692: IndependentReserve users will now be able to see their balances and have their deposit/withdrawal/trade history taken into account during profit/loss calculation.

  • [Feature] #1800: Users will now be greeted with an informational notice when trying to access a page that requires a module to be activated.

  • [Feature] #2939: Rotki logs will now persist after restart. Number of logs and maximum size for all logs of a run can be now specified.

  • [Feature] #2064: Users will now be able to close rotki to tray. When logged the tray icon will update based on the net worth value during the selected period (week, two weeks etc).

  • [Bug] #3057: Nexo CSV importer will now use the correct time format.

1.17.2 2021-06-04

  • [Bug] #2994: Nexo users will be able to correctly import their information from a CSV file.

  • [Bug] #2993: If a sell of FIAT for crypto is made, which is effectively a buy of crypto with FIAT, complaints about the source of funds should no longer be generated.

  • [Bug] #2999: If a binance withdrawal is missing the txId field rotki will now still be able to process it correctly.

  • [Bug] #2998: If a new token is added in the rotki list of assets then the token detection cache is now invalidated so it will be detected when refreshing balances.

  • [Bug] #1403: When removing an ethereum account that has liabilities, they should now also be removed from the dashboard and from the blockchain accounts view.

  • [Bug] #3010: Fixes a bug when editing a trade that had a modified/replaced asset could fail with a “trade identifier not found” error.

  • [Bug] #3030: Setting up a bitfinex api key should now work properly again.

  • [Bug] #3033: Users of Bitstamp should be able to pull their trades, deposits and withdrawals history again.

  • [Bug] #3038: queries should now work properly again.

  • [Bug] #3037: Querying a big number of legacy bitcoin addresses from an xpub should now work properly again.

  • [Bug] #81: Users with more than 10,000 trades in poloniex will now be able to properly pull their trading history.

  • [Bug] #3027: Day should now display properly under all circumstances when a custom date format is evaluated.

  • [Bug] #3029: Exchanges balances tab will properly adjust to a dark background on dark mode.

  • [Bug] #3043: Collapsed xpubs should now be included in the totals in the btc accounts table.

1.17.1 2021-05-26

  • [Bug] #2986: Users won’t be affected by a login error at the moment of querying FTX when the keys are correct.

  • [Bug] #2982: Premium users of v1.17.0 who had DB syncing activated will now be able to open the app again.

  • [Bug] #2984: The notification background will now properly adjust for users using the application in light mode.

1.17.0 2021-05-25

  • [Feature] #2529: CSV import functionality has been updated to allow more types of entries.

  • [Feature] #2893: Users can now see if any of their addresses have CVX available to claim from the ConvexFinance airdrop.

  • [Feature] #2844: Premium users will now be able to fetch their Uniswap v3 swaps.

  • [Feature] #2803: Ethereum tokens that consist of underlying tokens will now see their price correctly fetched.

  • [Feature] #2475: Withdrawals from Binance and Binance US will now have their fee correctly imported.

  • [Feature] #2224: Add experimental support for Nexo imports using CSV files.

  • [Feature] #1674: Add experimental support for BlockFi imports using CSV files.

  • [Feature] #1549: rotki premium users will now be able to switch to a dark mode and change the theme colors.

  • [Feature] #1881: Users can now access an about screen with information about the application.

  • [Feature] #47: Users can now add multiple accounts per supported exchange.

  • [Feature] #2584: Removed the option to anonymize the logs. Logs are off by default anyway and it was never possible to anonymize accurately and completely when activated so the setting was misleading.

  • [Feature] #1902: Users can now modify the backend settings (e.g. data directory, log directory) through the application.

  • [Feature] #2725: Users will now be able to view a small help dialog with the supported options for the date display format.

  • [Feature] #2820: Users will now be able to select if they want to view graphs based at a 0 y-axis start instead of the minimum in the selected period.

  • [Feature] #2898: Users are now able to see the asset identifiers in the asset management view and replace one asset and all its occurrences with another.

  • [Bug] #2888: Ledger actions selected to be ignored in the profit and loss report will now be correctly ignored.

  • [Bug] #2875: Invalid ENS names should now provide a proper error when provided to rotki.

  • [Bug] #367: Fixed edge cases where some tasks would run for hours due to the absence of timeouts.

  • [Bug] #2850: User will now see a consistent naming of exchanges across the application.

1.16.2 2021-05-08

  • [Bug] #2791: Updating assets database which adds customs assets already owned as officially supported should no longer get the DB in an inconsistent state.

  • [Bug] #865: Users will now be given an option to retry or terminate the application when communication with the backend fails.

  • [Bug] #2819: Users using macOS will no longer be stuck at “connecting to backend”.

  • [Bug] #2837: Binance US users will now be able to see the correct location for their trades and deposits/withdrawals. It should no longer be Binance. To reflect those changes Binance US data should be purged and then re-queried. To see how to purge data for an exchange look here:

  • [Bug] #2821: Users will now be able to properly scroll through the asset when conflicts appear during the asset database upgrade.

  • [Bug] #2846: Premium users who create a new account with premium api credentials that have no saved DB in the server to sync with will have these credentials properly saved in the DB right after creation. At re-login the premium subscription should be properly recognized and the credentials should not need to be input again.

  • [Bug] #2835: Eth2 users with a very big number of validators should no longer get a 429 error.

  • [Bug] #2851: Users should now see the external trades fetched first when visiting the trades page.

  • [Bug] #2856: Users will properly see error messages when the account creation fails.

  • [Bug] #2818: Windows users will now be able to properly login after updating the assets.

  • [Bug] #2857: Users will now properly see their blockchain balances fetched when restoring to a new account using premium.

  • [Bug]: If a DeFi event provides zero amount of an asset to a user the PnL report should now work properly again.

1.16.1 2021-04-30

  • [Bug] #2767: Curve pool tokens will not be double counted in the dashboard balances.

  • [Bug] #2775: Ambiguous FTX assets will now be properly recognized by rotki.

  • [Bug] #2773: Timestamps will be correctly read for trades in the Kraken exchange.

  • [Bug] #2781: From this version and on, attempting to open a new global DB with an older rotki version will not be allowed and the app will crash with an error message.

  • [Bug] #2794: Aave v1 data after block 12,152,920 should be now available. rotki switched to the new Aave v1 subgraph.

  • [Bug] #2811: ETH and WETH are now considered equivalent for cost basis and accounting purposes.

1.16.0 2021-04-21

  • [Feature] #2713: Support the ETH-C MakerDAO vault collateral type.

  • [Feature] #2332: Binance users will now be able to see their Binance Pool’s assets in rotki.

  • [Feature] #1334: FTX users will now be able to see their balances and have their deposit/withdrawal/trade history taken into account during profit/loss calculation.

  • [Feature] #1007: Coinbase exchange users will now be able to see asset conversions in their trade history.

  • [Feature] #2515: Users will now be able to navigate back from the assets page using a button.

  • [Feature] #2424: Users will now see a progress bar while the automatic update is downloading, and proper notification messages in case of failure.

  • [Feature] #2513: Users can now add/edit/delete all types of assets, not only ethereum tokens.

  • [Feature] #522: Users can connect to different backends from the frontend.

  • [Feature] #2156: Users can now customise the explorer pages used for each chain.

  • [Feature] #2547: Users can now easily access the documentation on how to find the CryptoCompare/CoinGecko identifiers in asset manager.

  • [Feature] #2452: Users will now be able to use a two-mode sorting functionality when sorting tables.

  • [Feature] #2427: The visible row selection will now persist after a re-login. Changing the visible rows will now affect all the tables.

  • [Feature] #2602: Users will now have the erc20 token details (name, symbol, decimals) automatically filled when possible when they add new ethereum token assets.

  • [Feature] #2620: Users will now be able to disable oracles per asset using the asset editor.

  • [Feature] #929: Users can now select which rounding mode is used for displayed amounts via the frontend settings.

  • [Feature]: The external trade fee and fee currency are now optional and the users can skip them when adding a trade.

  • [Feature] #2338: The users can now optionally add a rate and rate asset when adding a ledger action.

  • [Feature]: Users will now get an error message if during the PnL report an acquisition date for a sold asset can’t be found. Also if an action with an unknown token is processed. This way users will know that they need to manually add more data to rotki.

  • [Feature] #2564: Users can now easily access the documentation and other helpful links directly from the application.

  • [Feature] #2520: Users can now properly clean cached data for Eth2 daily stats and deposits.

  • [Feature] #2551: Users will now be prompted with asset database updates if changes have happened to the supported rotki assets.

  • [Feature] #2210: All price history caches are now moved to the global database. The price history sub-directory of the rotki data directory is now deleted. This should optimize price history querying and save disk space.

  • [Feature] #2714: Add support for a3CRV Curve pool

  • [Feature] #2671: rotki will now detect Adex V5 staked balances

  • [Bug] #2647: Disabling the tax-free period setting for a Profit/Loss report will now be reflected in the same rotki run without needing a restart.

  • [Bug] #2738: Premium users won’t see locations that have no balances in the statistics for value distribution by location.

  • [Bug] #2716: Users will now get a correct exported CSV file when a sell is matched with multiple acquisitions.

  • [Bug] #2690: Eth2 stakers that have very recently deposited and don’t have a validator index yet will now be handled properly and their balance should be shown.

  • [Bug] #2656: Users of coinbase with a lot of assets or trades should now see all of them again. There should be no missing balances or trades thanks to a fix at query pagination.

  • [Bug] #2674: Coinbasepro should now also properly parse historical market trades and not only limit ones. Also all fills will be separately shown and not just the executed orders.

  • [Bug] #2614: Uniswap users should no longer have missing trades in their uniswap history.

  • [Bug] #2643: api key should now be properly used if given by the user

  • [Bug] #2644: Balance query should no longer hang if the user gets rate limited by and the rate limiting should now be properly handled.

  • [Bug] #2633: User with incomplete deposits and withdrawals in Coinbase Pro will now be able to generate a profit/loss report.

  • [Bug] #2631: Balancer trades will now be displaying the correct trade rate, both in the trade history section but also in the exported CSV.

  • [Bug] #2524: Users will now not be able to delete assets from the Global DB if any account in the local system owns them.

  • [Bug] #2628: Users will now see the correct total asset value when visiting an asset’s detail page for a second time.

  • [Bug] #2610: Macos users will now be able to properly update every time using the auto-updater.

  • [Bug] #2479: Users will now see a < (less than) symbol in front of any amount with trailing decimals when rounding upwards is used.

  • [Bug] #2626: Users will now properly see their specified date format when viewing various DeFi protocols and statistics.

  • [Bug] #2699: Users will see that the frontend state will properly be cleared when purging data.

1.15.2 2021-03-21

  • [Bug] #1996: Querying coinbasepro deposits and withdrawals should now be much faster thanks to using their new API endpoints.

1.15.1 2021-03-19

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens:

  • [Feature] #2507: Users can now delete imported trades and deposit/withdrawals from via the purge data UI.

  • [Feature]: Add support for New Taiwan Dollar (TWD) as a fiat currency

  • [Feature]: Add support for Norwegian Krone (NOK) as a fiat currency

  • [Bug] #2541: Now cost basis will be correctly shown in the profit and loss report if the cost basis were calculated using ledger actions outside the report period.

  • [Bug] #2539: The effects of adding/editing/removing a ledger actions will no longer be lost if rotki restarts right after the operation.

  • [Bug] #2534: Aave v2 tokens not in Aave v1 should no longer have their balance double counted.

  • [Bug] #2530: Poloniex should no longer display phantom LEND balances in rotki.

  • [Bug] #2532: Users will now see the percentage sign display in the same line when editing underlying tokens.

  • [Bug] #2467: Trades with a rate of zero will no longer be possible. This prevents the profit and loss report from hanging and shows a notification if an entry with rate equal to zero is already in the database.

  • [Bug] #2577: Users will now be unable to accidentally open a second instance of the application.

  • [Bug] #2603: Adding multiple comma separated ethereum accounts which contain duplicate entries will not double count the duplicate entry account tokens.

1.15.0 2021-03-09

1.14.2 2021-02-24

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens:

  • [Bug] #2398: An edge case of Kucoin historical trade query parsing is fixed. So now even users with some specific ids in their trades will be able to query history properly for Kucoin.

  • [Bug] #2400: Loopring balances should now be queried properly for users who own USDT.

  • [Bug] #2405: Legacy bitcoin address balances and xpub derivation should now work properly again after decided to yolo change their api response format.

  • [Bug] #2151: Users will now see the datetime picker properly displaying the selected date when editing ledger actions.

  • [Bug] #2399: Users will now see a warning if the loopring module is not activated when adding an API key, and balances will be fetched automatically if it is.

1.14.1 2021-02-17

  • [Bug] #2391: The signed version of the MacOS binary should now work properly for all users.

1.14.0 2021-02-16

1.13.3 2021-02-11

  • [Bug] #2342: Binance users should be able to query exchange balances again after Binance broke their api by adding “123” and “456” as test assets.

1.13.2 2021-02-07

1.13.1 2021-02-04

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens:

  • [Feature]: Add support for Swedish Krona (SEK) as a fiat currency.

  • [Bug] #2223: Manual balances with the blockchain tag will no longer be duplicated in the dashboard and blockchain account balances.

  • [Bug] #2215: Ledger action CSV export now contains identifier and not asset name.

  • [Bug] #2244: Fix edge case where using a cryptocompare api key could result in the all coins endpoint to error if no cache already existed.

  • [Bug] #2239: Amounts in the dashboard should now appear in single line for users.

  • [Bug]: Users will now see the total worth contained in the card for bigger amounts.

  • [Bug] #2261: Users who had STX in Binance should now see it mapped properly to blockstack and not stox.

  • [Bug] #2273: CREAM icon and price should now be shown correctly.

  • [Bug] #2267: DeFi events PnL CSV now properly includes the sign in the PnL column and also includes an extra column with the relevant transaction hashes and an optional note explaining more about the event.

  • [Bug] #2258: Users should now see the proper asset price, without rounding errors, for entries of the display asset.

  • [Bug] #2249: Users will now properly see the prices of new assets reflected on the dashboard when adding manual balances.

  • [Bug] #2222: Users who have funds in a DeFi Saver smart wallet will now be also able to see their liabilities in said wallet.

1.13.0 2021-01-29

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens:

  • [Feature] #2158: Add support for all current Aaave v2 aTokens. Users will now be able to see them in their dashboard.

  • [Feature] #1865: Users will now see an explanation of the current stage of the profit/loss report’s progress along with the completion percentage.

  • [Feature] #2155: Users can now additionally filter the uniswap liquidity pools using a pool filter.

  • [Feature] #2159: Users now won’t see empty tables for blockchains without accounts.

  • [Feature] #2146: Date format will now respect user choice in CSV export, logging output and other backend related locations. Also adding a new option to control whether those dates should be displayed/exported in local or UTC time.

  • [Feature] #2032: You can now add Kusama addresses by ENS name. Simply use an ENS name in the KSM address field and if it can be resolved it will be appended to the tracked accounts.

  • [Feature]: The profit/loss report generation should now see a lot of improvements in regards to its speed.

  • [Feature] #2174: Users can now delete all saved data of any of the supported modules.

  • [Feature] #2177: Users now will see a an error screen instead of a notification when there is an issue during the profit and loss report generation.

  • [Feature] #2131: Users can now customize the order of the price oracles used by rotki. For example set Coingecko as the first option for requesting prices and Cryptocompare as the fallback one.

  • [Feature] #2188: When adding/editing ledger actions or trades, users can now specify datetime to seconds precision.

  • [Feature] #2053: Users can now refresh the asset prices on demand.

  • [Feature] #1228: Users can see the current asset price of each asset on the dashboard and on the blockchain balances.

  • [Feature] #2181: Users can now force creation of a price oracle’s cache (cryptocompare) and also delete and inspect it.

  • [Feature] #1773: Users with funds in a DeFi saver smart wallet will have them included in rotki’s balances.

  • [Feature]: Add support for the following new MakerDAO vault collaterals: UNI, GUSD, RENBTC, AAVE.

  • [Feature] #2143: You can now add Bitcoin addresses by ENS name. Simply use an ENS name in the BTC address field and if it can be resolved it will be appended to the tracked accounts.

  • [Feature] #2105: Users can now see if their accounts are eligible for the Furucombo COMBO airdrop.

  • [Feature] #2022: Users can now see if their accounts are eligible for the Lido LDO airdrop.

  • [Feature]: Add support for Singapore Dollar (SGD) as a fiat currency.

  • [Bug] #2175: Bittrex users with deposits/withdrawals of some edge case assets will now be able to properly process them.

  • [Bug] #2168: users will now be able to properly import IOTA trades.

  • [Bug] #2135: Users will now properly see the correct accounting settings when creating a profit/loss report.

  • [Bug] #2024: Multiple csv import debited entries with same timestamp will be handled correctly.

  • [Bug] #2117: Users can now properly dismiss notifications with long tiles, or dismiss all the pending notifications at once.

1.12.2 2021-01-18

  • [Bug] #2113: Iconomi exchange users should now no longer get an error when pulling deposits/withdrawals history

  • [Bug] #2116: Kusama user balance query should now work properly in all cases.

  • [Bug] #2120: rotki should now display the action datetime when editing a ledger action.

1.12.1 2021-01-16

  • [Bug]: Fix the problem introduced with rotki v1.12.0 for OSX users that made them unable to run the app.

1.12.0 2021-01-16

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens:

  • [Feature] #629: Add ICONOMI exchange. Balances and trades of single assets can be imported.

  • [Feature] #991: Add exchange.

  • [Feature] #1950: Users can now use a predefined yearly or quarterly range when generating a tax report.

  • [Feature] #2008: Users can now search for a currency in the currency selection UI.

  • [Feature] #2056: Users can now control whether a profit loss report in a certain time range is allowed to go further in the past to calculate the real cost basis of assets or not. By default this setting is on.

  • [Feature] #1792: Users should now be able to see the accounting settings used when generating a tax report.

  • [Feature] #1919: rotki now supports Kusama blockchain. Users can import their Kusama addresses and see their KSM balances.

  • [Feature] #1466: The account label is now renamed to account name.

  • [Feature] #1866: The tax report is now named Profit and Loss Report.

  • [Feature] #1662: Users are now able to manually input ledger actions such as Income, Donation, Loss, Expense, Dividends Income.

  • [Feature] #1920: rotki now supports addition of a custom Kusama endpoint.

  • [Feature] #2015: Users can now selectively ignores trades, deposits/withdrawals, ethereum transactions and ledger actions in the accounting processing of the profit loss report.

  • [Feature] #968: rotki will now run some heavier tasks periodically in the background to alleviate the alleviate the pressure from big tasks like the profit loss report. These tasks for now are: exchanges trades query, ethereum transactions query, cryptocompare historical price queries and xpub address derivation.

  • [Bug] #2047: Fix balances query for users of

  • [Bug] #1759: Xpub address derivation after restart of the app from an existing xpub should no longer miss addresses

  • [Bug] #2013: Show correct fee currency for Bitfinex trades.

  • [Bug] #2023: is now properly not displayed as a connectable exchange.

  • [Bug] #2006: Users will now properly see all accounts selected as a hint when no account is selected in airdrops.

  • [Bug] #2040: Balance snapshotting should now work again for Bitfinex and Bitstamp users.

  • [Bug] #1946: There should no longer be a non 0-100 percentage in the tax report during the progress report.

  • [Bug] #1140: Users will now see the account balances sorted by label instead of hex when sorting the account column.

1.11.0 2020-12-30

1.10.1 2020-12-16

  • [Bug]: Do not double count Binance lending balances and don’t show Zero balances in binance futures and lending.

  • [Bug]: This release should fix the “Failed at database upgrade from version 21 to 22: arguments should be given at the first instantiation” error

1.10.0 2020-12-15

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens:

  • [Feature] #1776: User funds in Binance’s lending/saving wallet should now also be included in rotki.

  • [Feature] #1605: User funds in Binance’s futures wallet should now also be included in rotki.

  • [Feature] #1840: Better handling double entries (dust_conversion, swap, …) from csv export. Also imported trades and asset movements now appear in the history UI component

  • [Feature] #176: Add an accounting setting to make asset movements fees (deposits/withdrawals to/from exchanges) inclusion in the profit loss report configurable.

  • [Feature] #1413: Users can now refresh their manual balances from the dashboard.

  • [Feature] #1851: Eth2 deposits will now be queried separately from Eth2 staking details in the Eth2 staking view. As a result the loading of the staking view for Eth2 is faster. Also usd_value should now properly appear with the historical ETH value for each deposit.

  • [Feature] #1611: rotki can now import data and download the tax report csv when running in the browser.

  • [Feature] #436: rotki now supports Bitstamp. Users can see their balances and import trades, deposits and withdrawals from that exchange. They are also taken into account in the tax report.

  • [Feature] #1810: Users can now set the default timeframe for the net worth graph. The selected timeframe now persist when navigating from and to the dashboard.

  • [Feature] #1858: rotki detects staked ETH2 balances in Kraken

  • [Feature] #1753: Users can now filter the DEX trades by address and date range.

  • [Feature] #114: Added a frontend-only setting to make the periodic query of the client customizable. The allowed range of values is from 5 seconds to 3600 seconds.

  • [Feature] #1869: Vote-escrowed CRV will now be auto-detected for users. The amount shown will be the total locked CRV for vote-escrow.

  • [Feature] #1681: AdEx protocol is now supported. Staking balances, events and APR are now detected by rotki for premium users.

  • [Bug]: Ocean protocol token balances should now be properly detected after the token migration.

  • [Bug] #1887: The Eth2 validator index should not be incorrectly shown for some users.

  • [Bug] #1888: Detect balances of Eth2 deposits that are pending and the validator is not yet active in the beacon chain

  • [Bug] #1846: AMPL token balance should no longer be double counted.

  • [Bug] #1849: Binance queries should no longer randomly fail with invalid signature.

  • [Bug] #1868: Binance SOL token is now properly mapped to Solana.

  • [Bug] #1671: Users will now see the amounts earned on aave lending aggregated per asset.

  • [Bug] #1834: Users will not have to close the add account dialog manually while the newly added account balances are queried.

1.9.2 2020-12-12

  • [Bug] #1896: Provide a temporary fix for the breaking change that the Graph introduced into their schemas that breaks all current python implementations. Users should no longer see _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! errors.

1.9.1 2020-11-29

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens:

  • [Feature] #1745: Users can now delete multiple blockchain accounts at once.

  • [Feature] #1774: Users now will only see the dashboard liabilities if there are liabilities to show.

  • [Feature]: Users can now select predefined display date ranges for the premium statistics.

  • [Feature] #369: Users can now import multiple addresses at once.

  • [Feature] #1804: Premium users: Eth2 staking balances (along with what is gained via staking) will now be shown along with an APR estimation of the gains by staking.

  • [Feature] #1716: rotki can now also query data from the following ethereum open nodes: - 1inch - my ether walet - cloudflare-eth - linkpool

  • [Bug] #1778: Uniswap pool balances will now only be loaded when the user navigates to the Liquidity pools screen.

  • [Bug] #1787: After 24/11/2020 some Infura users started getting a “query returned more than 10000 results” error when querying their balances. This should no longer happen.

  • [Bug] #1416: Request Binance deposits & withdraws using a 90 days window.

  • [Bug] #1803: After 25/11/2020 Compound’s claimable COMP stopped appearing in the app due to a change in a smart contract we depend on. This has now been fixed and they should be detected properly again.

  • [Bug] #1809: Token balances should now always be saved in the balances snapshot. Also an edge case that rarely caused the ethereum balances to be queried twice should be now fixed.

  • [Bug] #1761: Retry GraphQL requests when the API server fails.

  • [Bug] #1785: Inform the user when they try to setup Bittrex with their system clock not in sync.

  • [Bug] #1798: Log level settings now are properly saved and the users are not required to set them on every run.

  • [Bug] #1801: Users that have the uniswap module deactivated will now see a proper message about the module status instead of a loading page.

  • [Bug] #1726: When querying Compound history for COMP claimed around the start of COMP issuance, zero price warnings should no longer be emitted.

  • [Bug] #1777: Free users will now be able to load uniswap LP balances properly again.

1.9.0 2020-11-20

1.8.3 2020-10-30

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens:

  • [Feature] #1642: Force pull/push buttons for premium sync are now accessible in the floppy disk icon on the toolbar.

  • [Bug] #1637: Loading ethereum transactions on the UI should work properly again now

  • [Bug] #1641: rotki only accepts derivation paths in the form of m/X/Y/Z… where X, Y and Z are integers. Anything else is not processable and invalid. We now check that the given path is valid and reject the addition if not. Also the DB is upgraded and any xpubs with such invalid derivation path are automatically deleted.

  • [Bug]: If the DB has not been uploaded in this run of rotki, the last upload time indicator now shows the last time data was uploaded and not “Never”.

  • [Bug] #1638: Balances displayed in dashboard cards should now be properly sorted by value in descending order.

  • [Bug] #1639: Native segwit xpubs will now properly query and display the balances of their derived addresses. rotki switched to using blockstream’s API instead of blockcypher for native segwit addresses.

  • [Bug] #1635: Application will now continue running when changing log level on Windows.

  • [Bug] #1636: Users running earlier OSX versions than Catalina can again start the application properly.

1.8.2 2020-10-27

1.8.1 2020-10-05

1.8.0 2020-09-23

1.7.0 2020-09-01

1.6.2 2020-08-11

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Feature] #1213: Taxable actions table in the tax report and in the CSV exports now include a location.

  • [Feature] #820: Multiple open ethereum nodes will be now also queried along with your own ethereum node or etherscan. But in smaller frequency so as not to spam those services. The additional nodes rotki now queries are: - MyCrypto - Blockscout - Avado pool

  • [Feature] #1084: Users can now select which of the available defi modules they want to activate.

  • [Feature] #1178: Users can now select which accounts they want to track for the activated defi modules. If none are selected all accounts are queried.

  • [Feature] #1201: Changing the password when premium sync is enabled, will now display a warning to users about the change affecting synced instances.

  • [Feature] #1265: Removed fiat balance tracking as it was unnecessary. All fiat balances have now been migrated to manually tracked balances. Each fiat balance entry you had is now migrated to a corresponding manually tracked entry with location being “bank”. As an example if you had 1500 EUR Fiat balance entry you will now have a manually tracked balance entry with 1500 EUR called “My EUR bank” and having a location bank.

  • [Feature] #1303: User can now purge cached ethereum transactions and exchange data (deposits/withdrawals/trades). The next time data is fetched, the respective source will be queried to repopulate the local database cache. This might take some time depending on the amount of entries that will be queried.

  • [Bug]: ALQO historical price queries should now work properly again. Cryptocompare changed the mapping to XLQ and rotki had to adjust.

  • [Bug] #1234: Bittrex history can now be properly queried again. rotki uses bittrex v3 API from now and on.

  • [Bug] #1247: Fix glitchy autocomplete component usage which caused select menus to not open properly if the “dropdown arrows” were clicked. This has fixed the following select menus throughout the app: Asset Select, Tag Input and Tag Filter, Owned Tokens.

  • [Bug] #1249: Fix some amounts not being converted to user’s main currency correctly (two components were affected: Account Asset Balances in Accounts & Balances, and the AssetBalances component which was used in both Blockchain Balances as well as Exchange Balances sub-pages that showed totals across an asset).

  • [Bug] #1285: Properly track SNX tokens by pointing to the migrated proxy contract

  • [Bug] #1243: Fix a problem where the “Get Premium” menu entry would not disappear without restarting the application.

  • [Bug] #1298: Fix an issue where it was not possible to add a new manual balances after editing one.

  • [Bug] #1311: When user logs out the app bar is no longer visible.

1.6.1 2020-07-25

  • [Bug] #1172: Fix the ethereum addresses for CHAI and cUSDT token.

  • [Bug] #1203: The selected tab in Accounts & Balances is now readable again.

  • [Bug] #1202: The Linux rotki Appimage binary works properly again for Ubuntu <= 18.04. rotki v1.6.0 was not able to run in those Ubuntu versions.

1.6.0 2020-07-23

1.5.0 2020-06-10

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Feature]: rotki users now have two options to further enhance their privacy. If a user wants to temporarily obscure values in the application, they can do so by turning Privacy Mode on and off in the User Menu. Additionally, if a user wants to scramble their data (e.g. before sharing screenshots or videos), they can do so via the Scramble Data setting in the application’s General Settings.

  • [Feature] #763: rotki users can now change their password in the app’s settings in the “User & Security” tab.

  • [Feature] #988: General and Accounting settings have been consolidated into one Settings page, accessed via the User Menu, where users can access them as separate tabs.

  • [Feature] #971: rotki’s initial loading and welcome screens are now integrated with an improved UI and a scrolling robin in the background to welcome the user.

  • [Feature] #917: rotki now has a new and improved Dashboard. Users can view their total net worth as well as totals per source of balances (exchanges, blockchains, and manual entries), as well as filter the full asset listing.

  • [Feature] #707: rotki now supports makerdao vaults. The vaults of the user are autodetected and they can see all details of each vault in the DeFi borrowing section. Premium users can also see historical information and total interest owed or USD lost to liquidation.

  • [Feature] #1015: rotki now lets the user manually refresh and take a snapshot of their balances, even if the balance save frequency has not lapsed. This functionality is accessible through the Save Indicator (floppy disk icon on the app bar).

  • [Feature] #918: Premium users can now set watchers for their vaults. When the watched vault gets below or above a certain collateralization ratio they get an email alert.

  • [Bug] #966: rotki now supports the new Kraken LTC and XRP trade pairs

  • [Bug] #962: Fix infinite loop in Coinbase trades query

  • [Bug] #995: Importing from should now work again. Adjust to the latest CSV export format.

  • [Bug] #1016: rotki users can now delete their rotki premium API keys via API Keys -> rotki Premium.

  • [Bug] #836: Allows the use of non-checksummed eth addresses in the frontend.

  • [Bug] #986: Allows the unsetting of the RPC endpoint

1.4.2 2020-04-29

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Feature] #912: Adds total net value to the dashboard, fiat, and manual balances table. Makes account balance totals to reflect the filtered results.

  • [Feature] #908: Adds the ability to view the full amount on tables when hovering over a hint (asterisk) indicating that the display number has been rounded.

  • [Feature] #922: Speed up ethereum chain balance queries by utilizing the eth-scan contract to batch multiple ether and token balance queries into a single call.

  • [Bug] #924: LINK is now properly supported for Gemini balance and trade queries.

  • [Bug] #928: Action buttons in overlays (‘Sign In’, ‘Create’, etc.) are now never hidden by the privacy dialog regardless of resolution, app scaling, or zoom.

  • [Bug] #930: Etherscan API keys are now properly included in all etherscan api queries. Also etherscan API key is no longer compulsory.

  • [Bug] #943: If Kraken sends a malformed response rotki no longer raises a 500 Internal server error. Also if such an error is thrown during setup of any exchange and a stale object is left in the rotki state, trying to setup the exchange again should now work and no longer give an error that the exchange is already registered.

  • [Bug] #946: Handle the malformed response by kraken that is sent if a Kraken user has no balances.

  • [Bug] #942: Properly save all historical balances to the DB when a user has input manually tracked balances.

  • [Bug] #950: If too many BTC accounts are used rotki will no longer delay for a long time due to balance query rate limiting. Proper batching of queries to both and blockcypher is now happening.

  • [Bug] #927: rotki should no longer fail to handle HTTP Rate limiting if your web3 providing node rate limits you.

1.4.1 2020-04-22

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Feature] #838: Added additional information about API Keys that can be set up by the user and grouped the API connections page into 3 categories: rotki Premium / Exchanges / External Services.

  • [Bug] #896: If the current price of an asset of a manually tracked balance can not be found, a value of zero is returned instead of breaking all manually tracked balances.

  • [Bug] #899: If a user’s ethereum account held both old and new REP the new REP’s account balance should now be properly automatically detected.

  • [Bug] #895: Fixes manually tracked balances value column header not updating properly.

  • [Bug] #904: For Kraken users take into account the worst-case API call counter and make sure the maximum calls are not reached to avoid prolonged API bans.

  • [Bug]: Improve internal DSR mechanics so that even with hardly anyone using the DSR as of this release, rotki can still find DSR chi values to provide historical reports of DSR profit.

1.4.0 2020-04-16

1.3.0 2020-03-20

  • [Feature]: Add support for the newly added kraken FX trade pairs

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Feature]: rotki should now remember your window size, position, and maximized state after closing the app.

  • [Feature] #643: rotki will now autodetect the tokens owned by each of your ethereum accounts. Integration with alethio is possible, and you can add an Alethio API key.

  • [Feature] #779: OSX: User can now exit the application by simply pressing [X]

  • [Bug] #783: Fixes the update indicator to indicate to users if their client is out of date.

  • [Bug] #790: SegWit addresses (Bech32) can now be added to BTC balances.

  • [Bug] #794: If etherscan rate limits the user it should now be handled correctly after their new changes … again

1.2.1 2020-03-10

  • [Feature]: Support TRX in kraken, since it got listed.

  • [Bug] #772: Getting a rate limit error from Etherscan should be now handled properly.

  • [Bug] #770: Adds loading screen while waiting for the backend to start.

1.2.0 2020-03-01

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Feature] #461: You can now label your blockchain accounts and tag them with any number of custom tags to group them into categories. Tags can be customized.

  • [Feature] #705: Support MakerDAO’s DAI Savings Rate (DSR)

  • [Bug] #724: If latest block remote query fails do not revert to etherscan but persist with using the provided ethereum node after warning the user.

  • [Bug] #726: Fail gracefully and don’t throw a 500 server error if blockchain balance query fails.

  • [Bug] #731: Fixed cointracking file import.

  • [Bug] #739: If there is an error during DBUpgrade or if the user uses old software to run a new DB we don’t crash and burn with a 500 error but instead show a proper message.

  • [Bug] #716: The rotki logs for linux now go into a proper directory: ~/.config/rotki/logs

  • [Bug] #709: rotki no longer crashes after second time of opening the application in Windows.

  • [Bug] #698: rotki should now also display the version in the UI for Windows and OSX.

  • [Bug] #502: The OSX rotki app icon should no longer be blurry.

1.1.1 2020-02-06

  • [Bug] #693: Fix crash in OSX .dmg package version that occurred with v1.1.0

1.1.0 2020-02-05

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Feature] #404: Removed ZMQ as the messaging layer between backend - frontend and introduced a full-fledged REST API instead.

  • [Feature] #354: Introduces a modern, easily extendable material design UI based on Vue.js and Vuetify.

  • [Feature] #168: Users can now force-refresh exchange/blockchain balances via the UI and ignore the cache.

  • [Feature] #583: The UI’s notifications can finally be copy pasted.

  • [Feature] #46: Coinbase Pro is now supported. Trades, deposits, withdrawals and balances in that exchange can now be queried.

  • [Feature] #626: rotki now accepts addition of API keys for external services such as etherscan or cryptocompare.

  • [Bug] #465: Asset icons and names show consistently in the UI after the vue.js rewrite.

1.0.7 2020-01-04

  • [Bug] #602: Fixed a bug that lead to the coinbase exchange integration not working.

  • [Bug] #605: Adding a premium API key via the front-end now works properly again.

1.0.6 2019-12-31

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Feature]: Add support for the Swiss Franc (CHF - Fr.) as a fiat currency

  • [Feature]: Add support for the Russian ruble (RUB - ‎₽) as a fiat currency

  • [Feature]: Add support for the Turkish Lyra (TRY - ₺) as a fiat currency

  • [Bug] #561: Export unique asset symbols during CSV exporting and not long name descriptions.

  • [Bug] #587: If a user has a disabled taxfree period setting rotki no longer fails to sign the user in.

  • [Bug] #588: The electron log is now written in the proper directory depending on the Operating system.

  • [Bug] #589: If there is an error an unexpected error during sign-in properly catch it and add a log entry.

1.0.5 2019-11-30

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Feature]: Rebranding Rotkehlchen to rotki inside the application. All website and api links should now target

  • [Feature] #541: If the user allows anonymous usage analytics are submitted to a server for analysis of the application’s active users.

  • [Feature] #547: Support Multicollateral DAI upgrade and Single Collateral DAI renaming to SAI.

  • [Bug] #527: If cryptocompare query returns an empty object rotki client no longer crashes.

  • [Bug] #534: Old external trades can now be edited/deleted properly again.

  • [Bug] #543: User will not get unexpected balance results in the same rotki run due to same cache being used for different arguments.

  • [Bug] #545: Trades from all Kraken pairs should now be processed properly again. For example all SC trade pairs should now work again.

1.0.4 2019-10-04

1.0.3 2019-08-30

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Feature] #457: Bittrex users now also have their deposit/withdrawal history taken into account during profit/loss calculation.

  • [Feature] #458: Binance users now also have their deposit/withdrawal history taken into account during profit/loss calculation.

  • [Feature] #296: Add support for the Coinbase exchange.

  • [Feature] #26: rotki is now available as a .dmg installer for OSX.

  • [Feature] #487: USDT can now also be monitored as an ethereum token.

  • [Feature] #453: If a newer version exists the user is notified at the start of the application and is given a link to download it.

  • [Bug] #451: An assertion will no longer stop balances from being saved for some FIAT assets.

  • [Bug] #467: Removing ETH tokens for which a cryptocompare query failed to find a price now work properly.

  • [Bug] #463: Converts tax report start and end time to local time.

  • [Bug] #469: Fixes error with OTC trades.

  • [Bug] #480: Calculating accounting with empty history no longer throws an exception.

  • [Bug] #426: Opening the rotki electron app in OSX now works properly the first time.

1.0.2 2019-08-04

  • [Feature] #442: If a user provides a Kraken API key with insufficient permissions we no longer accept it and also provide them with a proper error message.

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Bug] #443: Fix bug in deserialization of non-exact floating point kraken timestamp values which could lead to a crash during tax report generation.

1.0.1 2019-08-02

  • [Feature] #428: Better handle unexpected data from external sources.

  • [Feature]: Added support for the following tokens

  • [Feature] #425: Users can now provide arguments to the backend via a config file. For more information check the docs.

  • [Bug] #429: Properly handle 429 http response from by backing off by the suggested number of seconds and then trying again.

  • [Bug] #432: If historical price for a trade is not found gracefully skip the trade. Also handle cryptocompare query edge case.

  • [Bug] #76: Handle poloniex queries returning null for the fee field.

1.0.0 2019-07-22

  • [Feature] #268: Version name is now included in rotkehlchen binaries and other artifacts.

  • [Feature] #272: Added a statistics pane. Premium users can now see a graph of their net value over time there.

  • [Feature] #312: Premium feature: The statistic pane now has a graph where users can check how any asset’s amount and total usd value progresses over time.

  • [Feature] #313: Premium feature: The statistic pane now has two different graphs to explore the distribution of value of the user. One shows the distribution of the total net value across different locations and the other across all assets the user holds.

  • [Feature] #194: Add setting for date display format.

  • [Feature] #329: Maintain a list of supported assets and converters from/to each exchange or service.

  • [Feature] #350: Add support for remote ethereum nodes and not just local ones.

  • [Feature] #332: Add notifications area for actionable warnings/errors.

  • [Bug] #283: OTC Trades table is now properly rendered again

  • [Bug] #273: Fallback to fetching NANO Price using XRB (Raiblocks) symbol before the rebranding.

  • [Bug] #288: After a user re-login querying fiat prices will no longer throw exceptions.

  • [Bug] #299: IOTA historical price queries now work properly.

  • [Bug] #314: Exchangerates api is now queried with priority and as such there are no more delays at the startup of the application due to unresponsive FOREX api calls.

  • [Bug] #320: The user settings pane is now always responsive, even when loaded a second time.

  • [Bug] #323: Properly display usd value For JPY and some other assets in kraken where XXBT is the quote asset.

  • [Bug] #334: Handle too many requests error for the exchangerates api.

  • [Bug] #349: Copy paste should now work on OSX.

  • [Bug] #361: Rotkehlchen no longer misses the last trade when processing history inside a timerange.

  • [Bug] #368: Fixes broken navigation after visiting Statistics page.

  • [Bug] #325: Tracking accounts/tokens in user settings will now be immediately reflected on the dashboard.

  • [Bug] #392: Revisiting usersettings properly updates per account tables if an account has been deleted before.

  • [Bug] #420: There are no more negative percentages at tax report generation progress

0.6.0 2019-01-21

  • [Feature] #221: Rotkehlchen is now shielded against inconsistencies of cryptocompare FIAT data.

  • [Feature] #229: Rotkehlchen can now work and migrate to sqlcipher v4.

  • [Feature] #222: Add a progress indicator during the tax report generation.

  • [Feature] #92: Cache and have multiple APIs to query for fiat price queries.

  • [Bug] #211: Handle the BCHSV fork in Kraken properly.

  • [Bug] #217: Tax report CSV exports should now agree with the app report.

  • [Bug] #219: Poloniex BTC settlement loss calculation is now correct.

  • [Bug] #223: Fix error in profit/loss calculation due to bugs in the search of the FIFO queue of buy events.

  • [Bug] #209: Fixes error during login due to invalid date being saved.

  • [Bug] #206: Fixes an error when adding a bitcoin account for the first time.

  • [Bug] #232: Multiple rotkehlchen users will no longer share same cache files.

  • [Bug] #231: Selling an asset that will fork, before it does now also reduces the forked asset amount.

  • [Bug] #218: Tax report details in the UI should no longer show NaN values in some columns.

  • [Bug] #240: Poloniex settlement buys now incur the correct amount of BTC loss when processed.

  • [Bug] #241: When incurring margin trade loss the lost asset’s available amount is now also reduced.

  • [Bug] #134: When rotkehlchen makes too many requests to Binance and gets a 429 response it now backs off and waits a bit.

0.5.0 2018-11-10

  • [Feature] #132: Added a UI widget showing if rotkehlchen is connected to an ethereum node

  • [Feature] #138: Add an option to allow for anonymizing of all sensitive rotkehlchen logs.

  • [Feature] #178: New logout api call. Users can now logout of a rotkehlchen session.

  • [Feature] #186: Pressing Enter at signin/create new account and other popups will submit them just like clicking the form button.

  • [Bug] #173: Price querying for IOTA should now work properly with cryptocompare

  • [Bug] #156: Overflow should now scroll completely and properly on mac.

  • [Bug] #181: Take 0 net balance into account when doing balance queries and not crash.

  • [Bug] #187: Exchange balance tables no longer become unresponsive if visited multiple times.

  • [Bug] #184: If Rotkehlchen brand name in top left is clicked, open browser to instead of showing the sign-in popup

  • [Bug] #185: Ethereum node connection indicator should always properly indicate the connection status to the underlying ethereum node

  • [Bug] #197: Rotkehlchen no longer crashes at restart if a “No” tax_free_period is given

  • [Bug] #201: Having ICN in Kraken from 31/10 to 31/11 2018 will not lead rotkehlchen to crash.

0.4.0 2018-09-23

  • [Feature] #74: Add experimental support for Bitmex. Supporting only simple balance query for now.

  • [Feature] #148: Add icons for all tokens to the UI.

  • [Feature] #153: Add a version command to display the rotkehlchen version.

  • [Feature] #144: Rotkehlchen now starts fully supporting Bitmex and allows querying Bitmex history for tax calculations.

  • [Bug] #140: Don’t log an error if the manual margin file is not found

  • [Bug] #135: Fix bug in converting binance sell trades to the common rotkehlchen format

  • [Bug] #151: If an asset stored at Bittrex does not have a BTC market rotkehlchen no longer crashes.

  • [Bug] #159: Gracefully exit if an invalid argument is provided.

  • [Bug] #155: Check if the local ethereum node is synced before querying balances from it.

  • [Bug] #163: Properly handle errors in the tax report calculation and in other asynchronous tasks.

0.3.2 2018-08-25

  • [Feature] #95: Add a UI widget to display the last time the balance data was saved in the DB.

  • [Bug] #99: Show proper error if kraken or binance api key validation fails due to an invalid key having been provided.

  • [Bug] #103: After removing an exchange’s API key the new api key/secret input form is now properly re-enabled

  • [Bug] #86: Fixed race condition at startup that could result in the banks balance displaying as NaN.

  • [Bug] #101: Catch the web3 exception if using a local client with an out of sync chain and report a proper error in the UI

  • [Bug] #123: Return USD as default main currency if DB is new

  • [Bug] #126: Refuse to generate a new tax report if one is in progress and also clean previous report before generating a new one.

0.3.1 2018-06-25

  • [Bug] #96: Periodic balance data storage should now also work from the UI.

0.3.0 2018-06-24

  • [Feature] #79: Do not crash with exception if an exchange is unresponsive, but instead warn the user.

  • [Feature] #90: Add configuration option for it and periodically save balances data in the database

  • [Bug] #77: Fix bug caused by reading taxfree_after_period from the database

  • [Bug] #83: Fix a bug that did not allow adding or removing ethereum tokens from the tracker

  • [Bug] #89: Many typing bugs were found and fixed

  • [Bug] #91: Provide more accurate name for the setting for the date from which historical data starts

0.2.2 2018-06-05

  • [Bug] #68: All kraken pairs should now work properly. Users who hold XRP, ZEC, USD, GP, CAD, JPY, DASH, EOSD and USDT in kraken will no longer have any problems.

  • [Bug] #73: api switched to be subscription based and its endpoints are now locked, so we switch to a different currency converter api.

0.2.1 2018-05-26

  • [Bug] #61: Overcome etherscan’s limit of 20 accounts per query by splitting the accounts list

  • [Bug] #63: Unlocking a user account for an application is no longer slow if you have lots of historical price cache files.

  • [Bug] #66: Persist all eth accounts in the database as checksummed. Upgrade all existing DB accounts.

0.2.0 2018-05-13

  • [Feature] #42: Move the accounting settings to their own page.

  • [Feature] #45: Add option to customize including crypto to crypto trades.

  • [Feature] #51: Add customization for the period of time after which trades are tax free.

  • [Bug] #50: rotkehlchen –help now works again

0.1.1 2018-04-27

  • [Bug] #37: Fix a bug where adding an ethereum account was throwing an exception in the UI.